10,000 Promises - Backstreet Boys chords
Backstreet Boys
GOn ce we were lovers Cmand
Amlovers we were... oh... what a life
GOn ce we were dreamers Cmand
Amdreamers we were... oh... you and I
GNow I see you're just Cmsome body
Fwho waste all my time and mo......ney
What Ga Cmlife... Fyou and I...
What Gabout your
Your ten thousand Cmpromises
That Cmyou Fgave to Gme
Your ten thou Cmsand promises
That Cmyou Fpromi G....sed me
AOnce I could handle the Dmtruth
[Bm7/5]when the truth was... you and I...
ATime after time all
the promises Dmturned [Bm7/5]out to be a lie...
ANow I see I'm just Dmsome Bmbody
who wasted my time and money...
AWhat a Dmlife... Gyou and I...
What about Ayour
Your ten Dmthousand promises
That Dmyou Ggave to Ame
Your ten thousand Dmpromises
That Dmyou Gpromised me
You Fsaid I'll take you back
But EmI closed the E7door
Dm'Cause I Gdon't want ten thousand more
B Em A
BTen thousand promises yeah... ten Emthousand promises
That Emyou Agave to me...
What about Byour
Your ten Emthou sand promises
That Emyou Agave to me B
Your ten Emthousand promises
That Emyou Aprom ised Bme
Your ten Emthou sand Empro Amises Bthat you gave to me
Your ten Emthou Emsand p Aromises that you gave to me
GOnce we were F#lovers just lovers we were...
Oh... Emyou Aand I...
What Ba life...
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