13 There Is A Light - U2 chords
Tone: [D]
G Bm A
And if the Gterrors of the night D
Come Gcreeping into your day D/F#
And the Gworld comes Dstealing children from your room A
Guard your Ginnocence Bm A
From Ghallucination Bm A
And know that darkness Galways Dgathers around the Elight
There is a Glight, you can’t always Dsee
If there is a Aworld, we can’t always Bmbe
If there is a Gdark, that we shouldn’t Ddoubt
And there is a Alight, don’t let it go Bmout E
When the Gwind screams and Dshouts
And the Gsea is a dragon’s D/F#tail
And the Gship that Dstole your heart away Asets sail
When all you’ve GlBmeft is Aleaving
And all you gGotBm is gArieving
And all you kGnowBm is nAeeding
Ah dGa-da, aDh da-da-da, ah-Eda
If there is a Glight, you can’t always Dsee
If there is a Aworld, we can’t always Bmbe
If there is a Gdark, that we shouldn’t Ddoubt
And there is a Alight, don’t let it go Bmout
‘Cause this is a sGong,D a sAong for someBmone
Someone like Eme
I know the Gworld is done D
But Gyou don’t have to be D/F#
I’ve got a Gquestion for the Dchild in you before it D/F#leaves
Are you tGough enoughBm to be kAind?
Do you Gknow your heart Bmhas its own Amind?
Darkness gGathers aBmround the liAght
Hold Gon, hold on E
There is a Glight, you can’t always Dsee
If there is a Aworld, we can’t always Bmbe
If there is a Gdark, that we shouldn’t Ddoubt
And there is a Alight, don’t let it go Bmout
And this is a sGo-o-o-oDng, a sAong for someBmone
This is a sGo-o-o-oDng, a sAong for someBmone
Someone like Eme
Someone like Eme
Someone like Eme
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