1913 Massacre - Woody Guthrie chords

Key: G Singer/Band: Woody Guthrie
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0G1fr2fr3fr4fr32ooo4
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0D1fr2fr3fr4frxoo132
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0C1fr2fr3fr4frx32o1o

capo 3
GTake a trip with me in D1913 G
To CCalumet, Michigan, in the Dcopper Gcountry.
I'll take you to a place called CEYE talian GHall
Where the Gminers
Gare having their Dbig Christmas Gball. C G
GI'll take you indoor, a Dnd Gup a high stair.
Th Cere's singin' and dancin', Dit's he Gard everywhere,
I'll let you shake hands with the Cpeople you Gsee
And watch… G
Gthe kids dance Dround the big Christmas Gtree.
GThere's singin' and Ddancin' Gand songs in the air,
CAn' the spirit of Christmas Dis there Geverywhere,
Before you know, you're friends Cwith us Gall
And you're Gdancin'
Garound and around Din the Ghall.
GYou ask about work and you ask Dabout Gpay;
CThey'll tell you they make less than a Ddollar a Gday,
Just workin' the copper claims, Criskin' their Glives,
So it's Gfun
Gto spend Christmas with ch Dildren and wiv Ges.
GA little girl sits by the Christmas Dtree Glights
To Cplay piano, she gotta keep Dquiet. G
To hear all this fun you would Cnot Grealize
That the Gcopper
G-boss thug-men are Dmillin' Goutside.
GThe copper-thugs stuck their heads through Dthe Gdoor
COne of them yelled and he screamed, D"There's a Gfire!"
A lady, she hollered, "There's Cno such a Gthing!
Keep Gon
Gwith your party, Dthere's no such Gthing."
GA few people rushed, and it's only Da Gfew.
C"It's just the scabs and the Dthugs foolin' Gyou."
A man grabbed his daughter and he Ccarried her Gdown,
But the Gthugs
Gheld the door and he Dcould not get Gout.
GAnd then others followed, a hundred Dor Gmore,
Bu Ct most everybody remained on Dthe Gfloor.
The scabs and the thugs they still Claughed at their Gjoke,
And the Gchildren
Gwere smothered on the Dstairs by the Gdoor.
GSuch a terrible sight I never Ddid Gsee,
CWe carried our children back up to Dtheir Gtree.
The scabs and the thugs they still Claughed at their Gspree,
And the Gchildren
Gthat died there were Dseventy- Gthree.
GThe piano played a slow Dfuneral Gtune,
CBut the town was lit up by a Dcold Christmas Gmoon,
The parents they weep and the Cminers they Gmoan,
"See G
Gwhat your greed Dfor money has Gdone."
b Transpose down # Transpose up
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