#9 Dream - John Lennon chords
John Lennon
Intro [C] [Em] [F] [E] [F] [D] [F] [G] [G7]
CEmSo-oh long Fago E
Was it in a FDdream,
F Was it Gjust a dream?
I-hi CEmknow-oh, yes I Fknow E
Seemed so Fvery Dreal,
F It seemed so Greal to me
Took a walk down the Gstreet
Through the heat whispered Gtrees
I thought I could Em9hear, A
Em9hear, A Em9hear, A Em9hear) A
Em7 Somebody call out my
Aname Em7 as it started Ato rain
Em7 Two spirits dancing Aso strange
Gm Ah! Cbowakawa pousse, Gmpousse
Ah! Cbowakawa pousse, Gmpousse
Ah! Cbowakawa pousse, D/F#pousse
D/F# D/E D D/C G/B G7/A G6 G/F G/F
CEmDream, dream Faway E
Magic in the Fair, D
F Was magic Gin the air?
I beCliEmeve, yes I beFlieve E
More I cannot Fsay, D
F What more Gcan I say?
On a river of Gsound
Through the mirror go Ground, round
I thought I could Em9feel, A
Em9feel, A Em9feel, A Em9feel A
Em7 Music touching my Asoul,
Em7 something warm, sudden Acold
Em7The spirit dance was Aunfolding
GmAh! Cbowakawa pousse, Gmpousse
Ah! Cbowakawa pousse, Gmpousse
Ah! Cbowakawa pousse, D/F#pousse
D/F# D/E D D/C G/B G7/A G6 G/F G/F
Chorus / Outro
GmAh! Cbowakawa pousse, Gmpousse
Ah! Cbowakawa pousse, Gmpousse
Ah! Cbowakawa pousse, Gmpousse
Ah! Cbowakawa pousse, Gmpousse
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