A lovely night - Ryan Gosling Emma Stone chords
Ryan Gosling
Emma Stone
Capo ngăn 3 Intro: [G] [F#] [F] [Dm] [G]
The C sun is nearly gone, the Dm lights are turning on
A E silver shine that stretches to the C sea.
We C stumbled on a view that's Dm tailored made for two
What E a shame those two are you and C me.
Some Dm other girl and G guy
Would C love this swirling A sky
But theres Dm only you and G I
And C we've got E no shot.
FThis could never G be
EmYou're not the type for Ame (Really?)
And Dmnot a spark in Gsight
CWhat a, Dmwaste of a Glovely Cnight.
(lên 2 cung - capo thêm 4 ngăn)
You Csay there's nothing
here, well Dmlet's make something clear,
I Ethink I'll be the one to make that Ccall (But, you'll call?)
And Cthough you looked so cute in
your Dmpolyester suit (It's wool)
You're Eright, I'd never fall for you at Call.
And Dmmaybe this Gappeals
To Csomeone not in Aheels
Or to Dmany girl who Gfeels
There's Csome chance for Eromance
But FI'm frankly feeling Gnothing (Is that Fso?)
Or it could be less than G
nothing (Good to Fknow! So you Gagree?)
That's right, Amwhat a waste of a Dmlovely Gnight.
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