Again on a Weekend - Dương Công Huân chords
Dương Công Huân
I wish we all Ccould just do it again Amon a weekend,
FAnd everybody shows G.
And every second Cevery moment every time Amthat
I breathe in, Fit comes to me so slow G
And every moment Dmis a passing blue E7
and the skies Amcolored lavender hue.
Can you take Dmme back to yesterday E7
Where the sun Amflowers bloomed my way
Oh Cwhy E7, can't AmI, get back to Fall those times
Where C, I E7, was free Amas a bird and i could F
CFly in the skies, so high E7I'm a maniac!
AmBurn all my ships, live free Flike I'm insane-iac
CNow I don't even E7wonder Amanymore where i Fmcould be..
CCause as the sunsets and orange sky E7makes me upset
AmWish I could just hold back Fall my regrets.
CWith every passing hue makes E7the galaxy blue
AmAnd your favorite green's drowned out Fmagain.
DmIsn't it just a faze, E7I wish that I could leave
AmAnd i just know i cannot leave it, makes me sick and so depleted
DmI ain't got too much time E7, depression's overwhelming Am
AmAnd tellings' just not helping and I'm melting into flames Dm.
I only got this fight E7, and I'm losing the game. Am
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