All I Need - Radiohead chords
Intro (x2) [C] [Em] [G] [C]
Verse 1
CI'm the next Emact
Gwaiting Cin the wings Em G C
CI'm an Emanimal
GTrapped in Cyour hot car Em G C
CI am all the Emdays
that Gyou choose Cto ignore Em G C Em
CYou are all I Emneed
CYou are all I Emneed
CI'm in the middle of Emyour picture
CLying in the EmGleaves C
Verse 2
CI'm a Emmoth
who just Gwants to
Cshare your light Em G C
CI'm just an Eminsect
Gtrying to get out Cof the night Em G C
CI only stick with Emyou
Gbecause there Care
no others Em G C
CYou are all I Emneed
CYou are all I Emneed
CI'm in the middle of your Empicture
CLying in the EmGreeds C
Em G C Em G
CIt's all wrong It's all right
EmIt's all wrong GIt's all right
CIt's all wrong It's all right
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