All Summer Long - Kid Rock chords

Key: G Singer/Band: Kid Rock
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0D1fr2fr3fr4frxoo132
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0C1fr2fr3fr4frx32o1o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0G1fr2fr3fr4fr32ooo4

Tone [G]
It was DC1989, my thoughts were Gshort my hair was long
DCaught somewhere Cbetween a boy and Gman
DShe was C17 and she was Gfar from in between
It was Dsummertime in CNorthern GMichigan
DSplashin' thru the Csandbar, Gtalkin' by the campfire
It's the sDimple things in lCife like when and wGhere
We Ddidn't have no Cinternet, but Gman I never will forget
The Dway the moonlight Cshined upon her Ghair
And we were Dtryin' different Cthings and we were Gsmokin' funny things
Makin' Dlove out by the Clake to our favorite Gsongs
Sippin' Dwhisky out the Cbottle not Gthinkin' 'bout tomorrow
Singin' Dsweet home Calabama all Gsummer long D C G
Singin' Dsweet home Calabama all Gsummer long
Catchin' Dwalleye from the Cdock watchin' Gwaves roll off the rocks
She'll forDever hold a spCot inside my sGoul
We'd Dblister in the Csun we couldn't Gwait for night to come
To Dhit that sandy Cplace of rock 'n Groll
And we were Dtryin' different Cthings and we were Gsmokin' funny things
Makin' Dlove out by the Clake to our favorite Gsongs
Sippin' Dwhisky out the Cbottle not Gthinkin' 'bout tomorrow
Singin' Dsweet home Calabama all Gsummer long D C G
Singin' Dsweet home Calabama all Gsummer long
Now Dnothin' seems as Cstrange as when the Gleaves began to change
Oh Dhow we thought those Cdays would never Gend
DSometimes I hear that Csong and I'll Gstart to sing along
And think Dman I'd like to Csee that girl Gagain
And we were Dtryin' different Cthings and we were Gsmokin' funny things
Makin' Dlove out by the Clake to our favorite Gsongs
Sippin' Dwhisky out the Cbottle not Gthinkin' 'bout tomorrow
Singin' Dsweet home Calabama all Gsummer long D C G
Singin' Dsweet home Calabama all Gsummer long
And we were Dtryin' different Cthings and we were Gsmokin' funny things
Makin' Dlove out by the Clake to our favorite Gsongs
Sippin' Dwhisky out the Cbottle not Gthinkin' 'bout tomorrow
Singin' Dsweet home Calabama all Gsummer long D C G
Singin' Dsweet home Calabama all Gsummer long
b Transpose down # Transpose up
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