All Too Well (10 Minute Version) - Taylor Swift chords
Taylor Swift
Intro [C] [G] [Am] [F] [C] [G] [Am] [F]
Verse 1
I Cwalked through the door with you, Gthe air was cold
But Amsomethin' 'bout it felt like Fhome somehow
And I Cleft my scarf there at your Gsister's house
And you've Amstill got it in your Fdrawer, even now
C G Am F
Verse 2
Oh, your Csweet disposition and my Gwide-eyed gaze
We're Amsinging in the car, getting Flost upstate
CAutumn leaves falling down like Gpieces into place
And I Amcan picture it after Fall these days
And I Cknow it's long gone and
That Gmagic's not here no more
And I Ammight be okay, but I'm not Gfine at all
Oh, oh, oh
'Causе Cthere we arе again on that Glittle town street
You Amalmost ran the red 'cause you were Flookin' over at me
Wind in my Chair, I was there
I Gremember it all too Am Fwell
Verse 3
Photo Calbum on the counter, your Gcheeks were turning red
You used to be a Amlittle kid with glasses in a Ftwin-sized bed
And your Cmother's
telling stories 'bout you on the Gtee-ball team
You Amtaught me 'bout your past, thinking your Ffuture was me
And you were Ctossing me the car keys
"Fuck the Gpatriarchy" keychain on the Amground
We were always skipping Ftown
And I was Cthinking on the drive down
Any Gtime now, he's gonna say it's Amlove
You never called it what it Fwas
'Til we were Cdead and gone and buried
Check the Gpulse and come back
Swearing it's the Amsame
After three months in the Fgrave
And then you Cwondered where it went to
As I Greached for you
But all I felt was Amshame
And you held my lifeless Fframe
And I Cknow it's long gone and
There was Gnothing else I could do
And I Amforget about you long enough
To Gforget why I needed Fto G C G
'Cause Chere we are again in the Gmiddle of the night
We're Amdancing 'round the kitchen in the Frefrigerator light
Down the Cstairs, I was there
I remember Git all too Am Fwell
And Cthere we are again
When Gnobody had to know
You Amkept me like a secret
But I Fkept you like an oath
Sacred Cprayer and we'd swear
To Gremember it all too Amwell, Fyeah
C G Am F G
Well maybe we got Clost in translation
Maybe I Gasked for too much
But maybe this Amthing was a masterpiece
'Til you Ftore it all up
Running Cscared, I was there
I remember Git all Amtoo Fwell
And you Ccall me up again
Just to Gbreak me like a promise
So Amcasually cruel in the name Fof being honest
I'm a Ccrumpled up piece of paper Glying here
'Cause I remember it Amall, all, Fall
Verse 4
They say C"All's well that ends well"
But GI'm in a new hell every Amtime
You Fdouble-cross my mind
You said if Cwe had been closer in Gage
Maybe it would have been Amfine
And that made me Fwant to die
The Cidea you had of me, who was she?
A Gnever-needy, ever-lovely Amjewel
Whose shine reflects on Fyou
Not Cweeping in a party bathroom
Some Gactress asking me what happened
Am You
That's what happened: Fyou
You, who Ccharmed my dad with Gself-effacing jokes
AmSipping coffee like you were on a Flate night show
But then he Cwatched me watch the front door
all night, Gwilling you to come
And he said, Am"it's supposed to be fun…
F Turning 21"
C G Am F
Verse 5
CTime won't fly, it's like I'm Gparalyzed by it
I'd like to Ambe my old self again,
but I'm Fstill trying to find it
After Cplaid shirt days and nights when you Gmade me your own
Now you Ammail back my things and I Fwalk home alone
But you Ckeep my old scarf from that Gvery first week
'Cause it Amreminds you of innocence and it Fsmells like me
You can't get Crid of it
'Cause you Gremember it all Amtoo well, Fyeah
'Cause Cthere we are again when I Gloved you so
AmBack before you lost the one real Fthing you've ever known
It was Crare, I was there
I Gremember it all Amtoo Fwell
Wind in my Chair, you were there
You Gremember it all
Down the Amstairs, you were there
You Fremember it all
It was Crare, I was there
I Gremember it all Amtoo Fwell
Verse 6
And I was never good at Ctelling jokes
But the Ampunchline goes:
"I'll get Folder, but your lovers Gstay my age"
From when your CBrooklyn broke my Amskin and bones
I'm a Fsoldier who's returning Ghalf her weight
And did the Ctwin flame bruise paint Amyou blue?
Just Fbetween us, did the love affair Gmaim you too?
Cause in this Fcity's barren Fcold
I still remember the Gfirst fall of Gsnow
And how it glistened as it Ffell
I Fremember it all Ctoo Amwell
Just Fbetween us did the love affair Gmaim you
All Ctoo Amwell
Just Fbetween us, do you Gremember it
All Ctoo Amwell
Just Fbetween us, I Gremember it all Ctoo well
CWind in my hair, I was Amthere, I was there
F Down the stairs, I was Gthere, I was there
C Sacred prayer, I was Amthere, I was there
F It was rare, you Gremember it (all too well)
CWind in my hair, I was Amthere, I was there
F Down the stairs, I was Gthere, I was there
C Sacred prayer, I was Amthere, I was there
F It was rare, you Gremember it
CWind in my hair, I was Amthere, I was there
F Down the stairs, I was Gthere, I was there
C Sacred prayer, I was Amthere, I was there
F It was rare, you Gremember it
CWind in my hair, I was Amthere, I was there
F Down the stairs, I was Gthere, I was there
C Sacred prayer, I was Amthere, I was there
F It was rare, you Gremember it
C(fade Amout)
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