And I Need You Most - Hey chords
GAnd I Bneed you Emmost.
I'm Gdrifting like the
Cclouds, no Dsolid Bm7ground.
You B7wipe away my Emtears,
And G7listen to my Cfears.
And I B7need you Em Ebm [Bm7b5]most.
Am7Morning D7sunrise, Bm7the brink of a Eday.
I Abreathe your kiss from Dmiles aGway.
GAnd I Bneed you Emmost.
I'm Gfragile as our Cbones, and Dall aBm7lone.
Im B7perfect as I Emam,
In Gyour sweet emCbrace,
How I B7need you Em Ebm [Bm7b5]most.
Am7Afternoon D7rays, Bm7ignites in the Ehaze.
You Alight me up from Dmiles aGway.
B C A G B Em Ebm [Bm7b5]
AmWhisper Dwords of Glove Am D G
BYou B7love me Emtrue, for the G7girl I Cam.
A CmmiraGcle, a Gmbit unAmusual.
Am7All I want is B7you.
DI need Gyou.
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