At all - Mono chords
tone [Bm] [Em7] [A] [Dmaj7] [D#dim7]
Em7when I saw Ayou got nothing Dmaj7to say D#dim7
Em7I ate your Aheart but I Dmaj7don't really care D#dim7
Em7nothing Areally matter Dmaj7at all even D#dim7love true woo
Em7nothing Areally matter Dmaj7at all even D#dim7hurting you woo
Bmsilence Emdon't be close
Bmsilence Emdon't be close
Bmsilence Emdon't be Bmclose oh wo oh~ Em
EmI don't really F#mcan reallyBm think at all
don't Emcatch me F#mjust let me fall Bmoh~
leave your Emtears at all I F#mdidn't do any Bmthing wrong
I Emdon't really F#mcharity it at Dmaj7all
oh at Emall
At F#mall
at Bmall woo oh~ D
Emoh at all
Oh F#mat all oh o wo Bmwoo~
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