at least i look cool - Sasha Sloan chords
Sasha Sloan
Intro A F#m A F#m
Verse 1
AI drive a car that doesn't F#mwork
AI shop at Target for my F#mshirts
AAnd when I pay my rent it F#mhurts
But I got C#minvited Eto this thing so
AI think tonight I'm going F#mout
AI'm getting off my shitty F#mcouch
AReady to fuck my bank F#maccount
And C#mI'm not myself
But at Eleast I look Acool
At some F#mhouse in AMalibu
Taking F#mpictures by the Apool
Doing F#mthings I never C#mdo
But at least I look Acool
Verse 2
AOh God, I think I might F#mthrow up
ADon't even know what's in my F#mcup
AAnd I'll admit, this kinda F#msucks
But C#mbefore I Eleave, I know I gotta
AFind somewhere dope that I can F#mpose (Ah-ah)
AAdjust my hair, adjust my F#mclothes (Ah-ah)
ASo I can get that fire F#mpost
And it's all C#mfor Eshow
But at Eleast I look Acool
At some F#mhouse in AMalibu
Taking F#mpictures by the Apool
Doing F#mthings I never C#mdo
But at least I look Acool
At some F#mhouse I can't Aafford
Blacked F#mout on the tennis Acourt
F#mHonestly, I'm kinda C#mbored
But at Eleast I look Acool
AI F#mjust lied about my AaF#mge
F#mNobody even knows my AnaF#mme
F#mGot an UberPool on the C#mway E(Shh)
But at Eleast I look Acool
At some F#mhouse in AMalibu
Taking F#mpictures by the Apool
Doing F#mthings I never C#mdo
But at least I look Acool
At some F#mhouse I can't Aafford
Blacked F#mout on the tennis Acourt
F#mHonestly, I'm kinda C#mbored
But at Eleast I look Acool
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