Big Parade - The Lumineers chords

Key: C Singer/Band: The Lumineers
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0C1fr2fr3fr4frx32o1o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0F1fr2fr3fr4fr134211
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0G1fr2fr3fr4fr32ooo4
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0B1fr2fr3fr4frx13331

Capo on 4th fret
Lovely girl won't you stay, won't you stay, stay with me
All my life I was blind, I was blind, now I see
CLovely girl Fwon't you Cstay, Fwon't you Cstay, Gstay with Cme
CAll my life FI was Cblind, FI was Cblind, Gnow I Csee
CFleet of black, fleet of black Glimousines
These tinted Fmachines, here comes the Ccavalcade
With the armored cars, armored cars like Gberettas
Flags on Fantennaes designed to keep me Csafe, keep me Gsafe
CAnd oh my my Goh hey Chey
FHere he Ccomes, the GCcandidate
CBlue eyed boy, Gunited Cstates
FVote for Chim, the GCcandidate
CDiamonds cut, diamonds cut for the Gcarrots
Plaster of Fparis, the floats fill up the Cstreet
And the beauty queens, beauty queens with the white Ggloves
All sick from the night clubsF
, they wave with paCgeantry, pageGantry
COh my my Goh hey Chey
FHere it Ccomes, the Gbig Cparade
CMarching bands Gand Cbarricades
FMake Cway, for the Gbig Cparade
CCanvas covered, canvas covered in Gresin
The violent Fmen who dance the blood Cballet
And the bookies say, bookies say it's the 3rd round G
Oh when louie will go down,F if he don't
there's hCell to pay, and hell to rGaise
CAnd oh my my Goh hey Chey
FHere he Ccomes, the GCwelterweight
CTake a dive, Gfor goodness Csake
FOr say Cgoodbye to the GCwelterweight
CCatholic priest, catholic priest in a Gcrisis
He's torn between romance and Fjesus, who will win the civil Cwar
And he says I'm in Glove, I'm in love with a woman
Yea this is my confessionF, I'm
leaving I can't a pCriest anymore, anymoGre
CAnd oh my my Goh hey Chey
FThere he Cgoes, the Gman of Cfaith
CLeft the Gchurch for a Cfiance
FLet him Clove, the Gman of Cfaith
CT.v. cameras, t.v. cameras and stage Ghands
American Fbandstand, electric Cguitars
And he's singin Gsongs, singin songs for the lonely
All the girls with the room Fkeys, they know
all his words by Cheart, by Gheart and they all sing
CLovely girl Fwon't you Cstay, Fwon't you Cstay, Gstay with Cme
CAll my life FI was Cblind, FI was Cblind, Gnow I Csee
CLovely girl Fwon't you Cstay, Fwon't you Cstay, Gstay with Cme
CAll my life FI was Cblind, FI was Cblind, Gnow I Csee
CLovely girl Fwon't you Cstay, oCh oGh oFhoh
COh my my Goh hey Chey
FHere she Ccomes by Gsaving Cgrace
CBurn the Gcar and Csave the plates
FShe's Carrived, my Gsaving Cgrace
b Transpose down # Transpose up
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