Bless The Broken Road - Rascal Flattsc chords
Rascal Flattsc
CI set out on a Gnarrow Amway Fmany years aCgo
CHoping I would Gfind true Amlove aFlong the broken Croad
But I Amgot lost a Gtime or Amtwo FWiped my brow and Ckept pushing
CI couldn't see how Gevery Amsign Fpointed straight to Cyou
That every Flong lost Cdream led me to Gwhere you Care
Others who Fbroke my Amheart, they were like DmNorthern Gstars
Pointing Fme on my Cway into your Gloving Carms
This much I Dmknow is Ftrue That GGod blessed the broken Amroad
That Fled me Gstraight to Cyou.
GUh uh FYes, He did G C
I Cthink about the Gyears I Amspent Fjust passin' Cthrough
I'd Clike to have the Gtime I Amlost Gand give it back to Cyou
But Amyou just smile and Gtake my Amhand You've Fbeen there, you
CIt's all part of a Ggrander Amplan Fthat is coming Ctrue
That every Flong lost Cdream led me to Gwhere you Care
Others who Fbroke my Amheart, they were like DmNorthern Gstars
Pointing Fme on my Cway into your Gloving Carms
This much I Dmknow is Ftrue That GGod blessed the broken Amroad
That Fled me Gstraight to Cyou.
And now I'm just a-Frollin' Chome Into my Glover's Amarms
This Dmmuch I know is Ftrue
That GGod blessed the Ambroken road
That Fled meG straight to Cyou
That GGod blessed the Ambroken road
That Fled meG straight to Cyou
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