Blind Willie Mctell - Bob Dylan chords

Key: Dm Singer/Band: Bob Dylan
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Dm1fr2fr3fr4frxoo231
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0A71fr2fr3fr4frxo2o3o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Am1fr2fr3fr4frxo231o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0C1fr2fr3fr4frx32o1o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0G1fr2fr3fr4fr32ooo4
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Bb1fr2fr3fr4frx13331

Dm Dm A7 Dm Dm
Seen the aDmrrow onA7 the doorpostDm Am Dm
Saying, "This A7land is Dmcondemned Am Dm
All the A7way from CNew GOrleans
BbTo CJerusalem." Dm Am Dm
I A7traveled through East DmTexas Am Dm
Where many A7martyrs Dmfell Am Dm
And I know A7no one can Csing the Gblues
BbLike Blind CWillie McTell Dm Am Dm
Well, I Dmheard the A7hoot owl singing Dm Am Dm
As they were A7taking down the Dmtents Am Dm
The stars abA7ove the baCrren treesG
Were Bbhis only CDmaudience Am Dm
Them A7charcoal gypsy Dmmaidens Am Dm
Can strut theirA7 feathers wDmellAm Dm
But A7nobody can Csing the blues G
BbLike Blind CWillie McTell Dm Am Dm
DmSee them A7big plantations Dmburning Am Dm
Hear the A7cracking of the Dmwhips Am Dm
Smell that sweet A7magnolia Cblooming G
(And) see the Bbghosts of Cslavery Dmships
I can hear them A7tribes Dma-moaning Am Dm
(I can) hear the A7undertaker's Dmbell
(Yeah), noA7body can sinCg the bGlues
BbLike Blind CWillie DmMcTell Am Dm
There's a DmA7woman by the Dmriver Am Dm
With some A7fine young handsome Dmman Am Dm
He's dressed up A7like a squire C G
BbBootlegged Cwhiskey in his Dmhand
There's a chain A7gang on the Dmhighway Am Dm
I can heA7ar them rebels yDmellAm Dm
And I know no oA7ne cCan sing the bGlues
BbLike CBlind Willie DmMcTell Am Dm
Well, DmGod is A7in Dmheaven Am Dm
And we A7all want what's Dmhis Am Dm
But power and gA7reed and corrCuptible seedG
BbSeem to be Call that there Dmis
I'm gazing A7out the window Dm Am Dm
Of the St. A7James DmHotel Am Dm
And I know A7no one Ccan sing the Gblues
BbLike Blind CWillie DmMcTell Am Dm
b Transpose down # Transpose up
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