Boomerang - Barenaked Ladies chords
Barenaked Ladies
Tone: [G]
The Gbravest thing I've Bmever done
Was to Crun away and Dhide
But not this Gtime, Bmnot this Ctime D
And the Gweakest thing I've Bmever done
Was to Cstay right by your Dside
Just like this Gtime Bmand every Ctime D
EmI couldn't tell you I was Chappy you were Dgone
So I Amlied and said that I missed you when we were Dapart
EmI couldn't tell you so I Chad to lead you Don
But I Cdidn't mean to Dbreak your Gheart. Bm C D
And if GI always seemed Bmdistracted,
CLike my mind is somewhere Delse
That's becGause it's true,Bm yes it's trueC D
It's the Gstupid pride Bmthat makes me feel
Like I Chave to follow Dthrough
Even GBmhalf-assedly, loving you C D
EmWhy must I always speak in Cterms of Dcowardice?
When I Amguess I should have just come out and told
you right from the Dstart
EmWhy must I always tell Cyou all I want is Dthis?
I guess cause I Cdidn't want to Dbreak your Gheart.
And you said
AmWhat'd you think I that I was gonna do?
AmCurl up and die just because of you?
DI'm not that weak, you know
AmWhat'd you think that I was gonna do?
AmTry to make you love me as much as I love you?
DHow could you be so Glow?
GYou Bmarrogant man,
CWhat do you think that DI am?
EmMy heart will be Cfine D
DJust stop wasting my time
And now I Gknow that you Bmwill be okay
CAnd that I got what I Dwant
And that's Grid of you Bm
Good-bye C D
And its Gnot cause I'll be Bmmissing you
CThat makes me fall Dapart
It's just that I Cdidn't mean to Dbreak
No, I Cdidn't mean to Dbreak
No, I Cdidn't mean to Dbreak
Your Gheart Bm C D
Your Gheart Bm C D