Breakaway - Kelly Clarkson chords

Key: Am Singer/Band: Kelly Clarkson
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Am1fr2fr3fr4frxo231o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0G1fr2fr3fr4fr32ooo4
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0C1fr2fr3fr4frx32o1o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0F1fr2fr3fr4fr134211
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0D1fr2fr3fr4frxoo132

Intro [Am]Da da da n [G]da da, [C]Da da da n [F]da da [Am]Da da da n [G]da da da [F]da
Am Grew up in a Gsmall town
C And when the rain would Ffall down
Am I'd just Gstare out my Fwindow
Am Dreaming of what Gcould be
C And if I'd end up Fhappy
AmI Gwould Fpray
Am Trying hard to Greach out
C But when I tried to Fspeak out
Am Felt like Gno one could Fhear me
Am Wanted to Gbelong here
C But something felt so Fwrong here
AmSo GI'd Fpray
Am I could Gbreak Daway F G
CI'll spread my wings and I'll Glearn how to fly.
I'll Amdo what it takes till FI touch the sky.
C Make a wish, take a chance,
G Make a change, and Ambreak GFaway.
COut of the darkness and Ginto the sun.
But AmI won't forget all the Fones that I love.
I'll Ctake a risk, take a chance,
G Make a change, and Ambreak GFaway
AmDa da da n Gda da, CDa da da n Fda da
AmDa da da n Gda da da Fda
Am Wanna feel the Gwarm breeze
C Sleep under a Fpalm tree
Am Feel the Grush of the Focean
Am Get onboard a Gfast train
C Travel on a Fjetplane
AmFar GFaway
And Ambreak GDaway F G
CI'll spread my wings and I'll Glearn how to fly.
I'll Amdo what it takes till FI touch the sky.
C Make a wish, take a chance,
G Make a change, and Ambreak GFaway.
COut of the darkness and Ginto the sun.
AmBut I won't forget all the Fones that I love.
I'll Ctake a risk, take a chance,
G Make a change, and Ambreak GFaway
GBuildings with a hundred floors
C Swinging with Frevolving doors
G Maybe I don't know where Cthey'll Ftake me
G Gotta keep movin Con movin Fon
Fly Daway
Break Faway G
CI'll spread my wings and I'll Glearn how to fly.
AmThough it's not easy to Ftell you goodbye
C Make a wish, take a chance,
G Make a change, and Ambreak GFaway.
COut of the darkness and Ginto the sun.
AmBut I won't forget the Fplace I come from
I gotta Ctake a risk, take a chance,
G Make a change, and Ambreak GFaway
AmBreak GFaway
AmBreak GFaway
b Transpose down # Transpose up
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