Cooler Than Me - Mike Posner chords
Mike Posner
Capo 3
If I could Cwrite you a Bmsong,
And make you Emfall in love,
I would aClready hBmave you up unEmder my arm.
I used up Call my Bmtricks,
I hope that Emyou like this.
But you Cprobably Bmwon't,
You think you're Emcooler than me.
Verse 1
You got Cdesigner Bmshades,
Just to Emhide your face and
You Cwear them Bmaround like,
You're Emcooler than me.
And you Cnever Bmsay hey,
Or Emremember my name. and
It's Cprobably Bmcause,
you think you're Emcooler than me.
Verse 1
You got Cyour hot Bmcrowd,
EmShoes on your feet,
And you Cwear them Bmaround,
Like they Emaint shit.
But you Cdon't Bmknow,
The Emway that you look,
When your Csteps
Make. BmThat. Much. EmNoise… Shh
See I Cgot Bmyou,
All Emfigured out,
You need Ceveryone's Bmeyes just to Emfeel seen.
Girl, Cyou're so Bmvain,
You Emprobably think
that this Csong is Bmabout you.
EmDon't you? Don't you?
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