Dani California - Red Hot Chili Peppers chords
Red Hot Chili Peppers
[|] Am G [|] Dm Am [|] Am G [|] Dm Am [|]
Am Getting born in the Gstate of Mississippi,
Her DmPoppa was a copper and her AmMomma was a hippie
Am In Alabama Gshe would swing a hammer,
DmPrice you gotta pay when you Ambreak the panorama
Am She never Gknew that there was Dmanything Ammore than poor,
Am What in the Gworld does your Dmcompany Amtake me for?
AmBlack bandana, Gsweet Louisiana,
DmRobbin' on a bank in the Amstate of Indiana,
Am She's a runner, Grebel and a stunner,
DmOn her merry way sayin', Am"baby whatcha gonna"
Am Lookin' down the Gbarrel of a Dmhot metal Am.45,
Am Just another Gway to Dmsurvive
CalifFornia, RCest In PDmeace,
SGimultFaneous rCeleDmase,
GCaFlifornia, Cshow your Dmteeth,
She's Gmy Fpriestess, CI'm your Dmpriest, yeah, yeah
[|] Am G [|] Dm Am [|] Am G [|] Dm Am [|]
Am She's a lover, Gbaby and a fighter,
DmShoulda seen it coming when it Amgot a little brighter,
Am With a name like G"Dani California",
DmDay was gonna come when AmI was gonna mourn ya,
Am A little Gloaded, she was Dmstealing Amanother breath
Am I love my Gbaby to Dmdeath
CalifFornia, RCest In PDmeace,
SGimultFaneous rCelDmease,
GCaFlifornia, Cshow your Dmteeth,
She's Gmy Fpriestess, CI'm your Dmpriest, yeah, yeah
Bm Who knew the Gother Dside of F#you?
Bm Who knew what Gothers Ddied to F#prove?
Bm Too true to Gsay Dgoodbye to F#you
Bm Too true, too sad, sad, sad
Am Push the fader, Ggifted animator,
DmOne for the now and Ameleven for the later,
Am Never made it Gup to Minnesota,
DmNorth Dakota man was a Amgunnin' for the quota
Am Down in the GBadlands she was Dmsaving the Ambest for last,
Am It only Ghurts when I [|]Dmlaugh; [|]gone E7too fast
CalifFornia, RCest In PDmeace,
SGimultFaneous rCelDmease,
GCaFlifornia, Cshow your Dmteeth,
She's Gmy Fpriestess, CI'm your [|]Dmpr[|]iest, yeah, yeah
FCalifornia, CRest In DmPeace,
SiGmulFtaneCous reDmlease,
GCaFlifornia, Cshow your Dmteeth,
She's Gmy Fpriestess, CI'm your [|]Dmpr[|]iest, yeah, yeah
[|] F C [|] Dm G [|] F C [|] Dm G [|] [|] F C [|] Dm G
[|] F C [|] Dm G [|]
| Dm |
[|] F C [|] Dm G [|] F C [|] Dm G [|] [|] F C [|] Dm G
[|] F C [|] Dm
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