Dust It Off - The Dø chords
The Dø
BmBurning papers into ashes what a Eseason how they Gfly high from the
ground up
BmThere is yet another fountain flowing Eover, as the Gnight falls keep
dreaming aB7way
DIf you hold on to that F#mpast Ddon't you lock yourself inB7side
DNothing has been done beF#mfore
It's the B7most virgin Ddress you could possibly Emwear mess it F#7up
Time is up
BmHold your memory for a moment with a Eblind hand write some Gstories
for tomorrow
BmFrom the bottle of amnesia find insEtructions to salGvation to
oblivion supreme
DDon't be tempted to look F#mback DIt has all happen beB7fore
DSomeday miraculous F#mspread will forDgive every B7cowardly thing
That you've Ddone that I've Emdone
Dust it F#7off Dust it B7off Dust it F#7off
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