Fairytale Of New York - Ed Sheeran Anne-Marie chords

Key: C Singer/Band: Ed Sheeran , Anne-Marie
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0D1fr2fr3fr4frxoo132
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0G1fr2fr3fr4fr32ooo4
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0A1fr2fr3fr4frxo213o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Bm1fr2fr3fr4frx13421
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0C1fr2fr3fr4frx32o1o

It was Christmas DEve babe, In the Gdrunktank
An old man Dsaid to me, won't see Aanother one
And then he Dsang a
song, The Rare Old GMountain Dew
I turned my Dface away And Gdreamed Aabout Dyou
Got on a Dlucky one Came in Geighteen to one
I've got a Dfeeling This year's for Ame and you
So happy DChristmas, I love Gyou baby
I can see a Dbetter time
When Gall our Adreams come Dtrue
They've got Dcars
Big as Abars
They've got Bmrivers of Ggold
But the Dwind goes right through you
It's no place for the Aold
When you Dfirst took my Bmhand
On a Dcold Christmas GEve
You Dpromised me
GBroadway was Awaiting for Dme
You were Dhandsome
You were pretty
Queen of New York ACity
When the Dband finished Gplaying
They Ahowled out for Dmore
DSinatra was swinging
All the drunks they were Asinging
We Dkissed on the Gcorner
Then Adanced through the Dnight
The Gboys of the NYPD Achoir
Were Dsinging 'Galway BmBay'
And the Dbells were Gringing
AOut for Christmas Dday
DYou're a bum
You're a Apunk
You're an Bmold gal on Gjunk
Living Dthere almost dead
on a drip In that Abed
You Dscum bag
You maggot
You cheap lousy Ablaggar
Happy DChristmas your Gmuggar
I pray AGod
It's our Dlast
The Gboys of the NYPD Achoir
Still Dsinging `Galway BmBay`
And the Dbells are Gringing
AOut for Christmas DDay
I could have Dbeen
someone Well, So could Ganyone
You took my Ddreams From
me when I first Afound you
I kept them Dwith me babe
I put them Gwith my own
Can't make it Dall alone I've
built my dreams Aaround Dyou
The Gboys of the NYPD Achoir
Still DSinging `Galway BmBay`
And the Dbells are Gringing
AOut for Christmas DDay
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