Fiction - Lund chords
Tone [Bm]
GFeelings come and go, time to hit the road
Can’t af Aford to watch this time move past I'm never going back,
Moving Bmforward lying to yourself, you don’t really need me
Fiction in your head Athat you keep on believing
GPeople come and go, everybody knows
Love is Apotent, let you go had to let you go,
now I’m Bmhoping You get closure
Cause I’m feeling so much better now we're Aover
GWith you, it ain’t right too many Amissed calls and long nights
I heard your Bmvoicemail too many times and I ain't wasting all my love on
GWith you, it ain’t right too many Amissed calls and long nights
I heard your Bmvoicemail too many times and I ain't wasting all my love on
GOpen up my chest deep into my heart, do you Asee it?
A shard of glass, I can feel it slice
As I’m Bmbreathing, it cut my strings
Now my fucking heart isn’t Abeating
And from my brain is where I’m bleeding, like
GDeep inside my mind, scared of what I’ll find
Our memories Alinger hurt confined, love the way you’d lie
With a Bmsmile, I’m saving me there’s no wrong or right
This is survival, put me down You'd Aput me in the ground, no re Gvival
No revival, no survi Aval Im 51:50, suicidal Bm
There’s no way out as far as I see
I’m going through Ahell Can you find me?
GNo revival, no survi Aval Im 51:50, suicidal Bm
There’s no way out as far as I see
I’m going through Ahell Can you find me?
GThis is fucking insane Do you know what the definition of insanity is?
ANo! Do you? Yes! It’s the inability to relate to another human being
BmIt’s the inability…to love! A
GBoy you left me down Broken on the ground, I'm so Asad
Cause you're always gone, out there on the road
I’m not Bmmad, I just wish that you would call me sometime
I just wish that we could Afucking rewind, but
GGirl, you let me down you been running round, I'm not Adumb
Got me staring down the barrel of a loaded Bmgun
You burned our bridge and we can’t turn back time
I got to go before I Alose my mind
GFeelings come and go, time to hit the road
Can’t af Aford to watch this time move past I'm never going back,
Moving Bmforward lying to yourself, you don’t really need me
Fiction in your head Athat you keep on believing
GPeople come and go, everybody knows
Love is Apotent, let you go had to let you go,
now I’m Bmhoping You get closure
Cause I’m feeling so much better now we're Aover
GGoing, going, gone I think my soul is moving on, oh
AHate me while I’m here Then love me while I’m lost
Do we Bmfight to feel the pain Or do we bleed to feel the same?
Why’s the world so fucking cold? Why do I Aoften feel alone?
GGoing, going, gone I think my soul is moving on, oh
AHate me while I’m here Then love me while I’m lost
Do we Bmfight to feel the pain Or do we bleed to feel the same?
Why’s the world so fucking cold? Why do I Aoften feel alone?
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