Five hundred miles - Justin Timberlake chords
Justin Timberlake
If you Amissed the train I'm F#mon
You will Bmknow that I am Dgone
You can Bmhear the whistle Eblow a hundred Amiles
A hundred Amiles, a hundred F#mmiles,
A hundred Bmmiles, a hundred Dmiles
You can Bmhear the whistle Eblow a hundred Amiles
Lord, I'm Aone, Lord, I'm F#mtwo,
Lord, I'm Bmthree, Lord, I'm Dfour
Lord, I'm Bmfive hundred Emiles away from Ahome
Away from Ahome, away from F#mhome,
Away from Bmhome, away from Dhome
Lord, I'm Bmfive hundred Emiles away from Ahome
Not a Ashirt on my F#mback
Not a Bmpenny to my Dname
Lord, I Bmcan't go back Ehome this ole Away
This ole Away, this ole F#mway,
This ole Bmway, this ole Dway,
Lord, I Bmcan't go back Ehome this this ole Away
If you Amissed the train I'm F#mon
You will Bmknow that I am Dgone
You can Bmhear the whistle Eblow a hundred Amiles
A hundred Amiles, a hundred F#mmiles,
A hundred Bmmiles, a hundred Dmiles,
You can Bmhear the whistle Eblow a hundred Amiles
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