Flicker - Niall Horan chords
Niall Horan
Capo 3 (Intro) x2 [Am7] [G/B] [C] [F]
(Verse 1)
When you Cfeel your love's been taken
When you Emknow there's something missing
In the Amdark, we're Gadd11barely hangin' Fmaj7on
Then you Crest your head upon my chest
And you Emfeel like there ain't nothing left
So I'm Amafraid that Gadd11what we had is Fmaj7goneC/F
Then I think of the Fstart
And it echoes a Cspark
And I AmrememberGadd11 the Cmagic and Fmaj7electricityC/F
Then I look in my Fheart
There's a Clight in the dark
Still a AmflickerGadd11 of Chope that you first gave to Fmaj7meC/F
That I wanna Dmkeep
Please don't Am7leave G/B C F
Please don't Am7leave G/B C F
(Verse 2)
When you Clay there and you're sleeping
Hear the Empatterns of your breathing
And I tell Amyou things you've Gadd11never heard Fmaj7before
Asking Cquestions to the ceiling
Never Emknowing what you're thinking
'Cause AmI'm afraid that what Gadd11we had is Fmaj7gone
Then I think of the Fstart
And it echoes a Cspark
And I AmrememberGadd11 the Cmagic and Fmaj7electricityC/F
Then I look in my Fheart
There's a Clight in the dark
Still a AmflickerGadd11 of Chope that you first gave to Fmaj7meC/F
That I wanna Dmkeep
Please don't Am7leave G/B C F
Please don't Am7leave G/B C F
And Am7I G/Bwant Cthis to Fpass
And Am7I G/Bhope Cthis won't Flast
Last too Dmlong
Then I think of the Fstart
And it echoes a Cspark
And I AmrememberGadd11 the Cmagic and Fmaj7electricityC/F
Then I look in my Fheart
There's a Clight in the dark
Still a AmflickerGadd11 of Chope that you first gave to Fmaj7meC/F
That I wanna Dmkeep
Please don't Am7leave G/B C F
Please don't Am7leave G/B C F
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