Green Sleeves - Tim Foust Peter Hollens chords
Tim Foust
Peter Hollens
Capo on 3nd fret Intro: [Em] [Am] [C] [Em] [B] [Em]
1. A- Emlas my Glove, you Ddo me Bmwrong
To Emcast me F#off so dis- Bmcourteously
For EmI have Gloved you Dwell and Bmlong
De- Emlighting in B7your compa- Emny
Am C Bm Em B Em
Chorus: Ggreensleeves was Dall my Bmjoy
greens Emleeves was Bmmy delight
Ggreensleeves was my Dheart of Bmgold
And Emwho but my B7lady green- Emsleeves
G Am C Em B Em
2. Your Emvows Gwas of the Dgrassy Bmgreen
They Emsleeves of F#satin Bmhanging by
Which Emmade there Gbe our Dharvest Bmqueen
And Emyet thou B7would not love Emme
Am C Bm Em B Em
3. Well Em, I will Gpray to DGod on Bmhigh
That Emthou F#constan- Bmcy may see
And Emthat Gyet once Dbefore I Bmdie
Thou Emwill vouch B7safe to love Emme
Am C Bm Em B Em
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