Habits Of My Heart - Jaymes Young chords
Jaymes Young
EmIn a dark room, Bmin cold sheets
DI can't feel Ga damn thing
EmI lost myself Bmbetween your legs
DYour medicine Gis in my head
EmYou know I'd rat Bmher be alone D G
EmBut then you c Bmall me on the phon De G
GOh, the habits of my Emheart
I ca Bmn't say Dno
It's ri Gpping me ap Emart
You ge Bmt too c Dlose
You make it h Gard to let you go
Em Bm D G
EmI tell myself I l Bmike that
DWhen you tie Gmy hands behind my back
EmYou're confident
BmI'll give you that
DBut if you lo Gve
yourself you can fuck yourself
EmCause I'd rathe Bmr be alone D G
EmBut you're ferm Bmented in my bones D G
GOh, the habits of my he Emart
I ca Bmn't say Dno
It's ri Gpping me ap Emart
You ge Bmt too c Dlose
You make it h Gard to let you go
GOh, the habits of my Emheart
I ca Bmn't say Dno
It's Gripping me a Empart
You ge Bmt too c Dlose
You make it h Gard to let you go
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