Hallelujah (ver 2) - Jeff Buckley chords
Jeff Buckley
C Am C Am
I Cheard there was a Amsecret chord
That CDavid played and it Ampleased the lord
But Fyou don't really Gcare for music, Cdo you? G
Well it Cgoes like this the Ffourth, the Gfifth
The Amminor fall and the Fmajor lift
The Gbaffled king E7composing Amhallelujah
HalleFlujah, halleAmlujah, halleFlujah, halleClu-u-Gu-u-Cjah
Well your Cfaith was strong but you Amneeded proof
You Csaw her bathing Amon the roof
Her Fbeauty and the Gmoonlight Coverthrew you G
CShe tied you to her Fkitchen Gchair
She Ambroke your throne and she Fcut your hair
And Gfrom your lips she E7drew the Amhallelujah
HalleFlujah, halleAmlujah, halleFlujah, halleClu-u-Gu-u-Cjah
CBaby I've been Amhere before
I've Cseen this room and I've Amwalked this floor
I Fused to live Galone before I Cknew you G
CI've seen your flag on the Fmarble Garch
But Amlove is not a victory Fmarch
It's a Gcold and it's a E7broken Amhallelujah
HalleFlujah, halleAmlujah, halleFlujah, halleClu-u-Gu-u-Cjah
Well Cthere was a time when you Amlet me know
What's Creally going Amon below
But Fnow you never Gshow that to me Cdo you G
But Cremember when I Fmoved in Gyou
And the Amholy dove was Fmoving too
And Gevery breath we E7drew was Amhallelujah
HalleFlujah, halleAmlujah, halleFlujah, halleClu-u-Gu-u-Cjah
Well, Cmaybe there's a Amgod above
But Call I've ever Amlearned from love
Was Fhow to shoot Gsomebody who Coutdrew you G
It's Cnot a cry that you Fhear at Gnight
It's Amnot somebody who's Fseen the light
It's a Gcold and it's a E7broken Amhallelujah
HalleFlujah, halleAmlujah, halleFlujah, halleClu-u-Gu-u-Cjah
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