Hard 2 Forget - Steps chords
Capo 2 Tone [Em]
The stars are Clistening The Amstreet lights See Emevery move every step
I Dtake
Heartbreak and Cchampagne the Amwhole night I'm Emsick of the burn, sick
of the afteDrtaste
I gave it Call to you, eAmxalted youI Emfought for you The Dmost
I gave it Call to you, now Amcos of you I'm Empunch drunk on your love,
Dpunch drunk on your love
CWhy would you leave me just to Amlive in my head So Emeasy to love so
Dhard to forget
CDrinkin and dancing while you're Amdreamin in bed So Emeasy to love so
Dhard to forget
CAnother midnight I'm withAmout you EmAnother call at 2ADM
CWhy would you leave me just to Amlive in my head So Emeasy to love so
Dhard to forget
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