Heal The World - Michael Jackson chords
Michael Jackson
Tone A: Capo 2
There's a Gplace in your Am7heart and I Bmknow that it is Am7love
And this Gplace could be much Am7brighter than to- Bmmorrow
And if Gyou really Am7try you'll find Bmthere's no need to Am7cry
In this Gplace you'll feel Am7there's no hurt or Bmsorrow
There are Cways to get Bmthere if you Ccare enough for the Bmliving
Make a Am7little space make a Dbetter place
Heal the Gworld make it a Am7better place
For Dyou and for Cme and the Gentire human race
There are Empeople Bmdying If you Ccare enough for the Bmliving
Make a Am7better place for Cyou and for Gme C G
If you Gwant to know Am7why there's a Bmlove that can not Am7lie
Love is Gstrong it only Am7cares for joyful Bmgiving
If we Gtry we shall Am7see In this Bmbliss we cannot Am7feel
Fear or Gdread we stop Am7existing and start Bmliving
Then it feels Cthat al- Bmways Clove's enough for us Bmgrowing
Make a Am7better world make a Dbetter world
Heal the Gworld make it a Am7better place
For Dyou and for Cme and the Gentire human race
There are Empeople Bmdying If you Ccare enough for the Bmliving
Make a Am7better place for Cyou and for Gme
And the Fdream we would conceived it will reveal a Gjoyful face
And the Fworld we once believed in will shine Gagain in grace
Then Emwhy do we keep Bmstrangling life wound this Cearth, crucify it's
Though it's Am7plain to see this world is heavenly Cbe God's Dglow
We could Gfly so Am7high let our Bmspirits never Am7die
In my Gheart I feel Am7you are all my Bmbrothers
Create a Gworld with no Am7fear together we'll Bmcry happy Am7tears
See the Gnations turn their Am7swords into Bmplowshares
We could Creally Bmget there iIf you Ccared enough for the Bmliving
Make a Am7little space make a better Dplace
Heal the Gworld make it a Am7better place
For Dyou and for Cme and the Gentire human race
There are Empeople Bmdying If you Ccare enough for the Bmliving
Make a Am7better place for Cyou and for Gme
Key change up 1 tone ---------
Heal the Aworld make it a Bm7better place
For Eyou and for Dme and the Aentire human race
There are F#mpeople C#mdying If you Dcare enough for the C#mliving
Make a Bm7better place for Dyou and for Ame
Key change up 1 tone ---------
Heal the Bworld make it a C#m7better place
For F#you and for Eme and the Bentire human race
There are Abmpeople Ebmdying If you Ecare enough for the Ebmliving
Make a C#m7better place for Eyou and for Bme
There are Abmpeople Ebmdying If you Ecare enough for the Ebmliving
Make a C#m7better place for Eyou and for Bme
There are Abmpeople Ebmdying If you Ecare enough for the Ebmliving
Make a C#m7better place for Eyou and for Bme, for Eyou and for Bme
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