Heartbeats - Amy Diamond chords
Amy Diamond
Intro : [C] [Em] [Dm] [F] [G]
CI can't figure Emout
Is it Gmeant to Fbe this Dmway
GEasy C words soGhard to say
CI can't live Emwithout
GKnowing Fhow you Dmfeel
CKnow if this is G real
DmTell me Amam I Gmistaken
DmCause I don't have
Amanother heart for Gbreakin'
Please don't let me Fgo
I just wanna Cstay
Can't you feel my Emheartbeats
Giving me Amaway
GI just want to Fknow
If you too feel Cafraid
I can feel your Emheartbeats
Giving you Faway
GGiving us Caway
Em Dm F G
CI can't Emunderstand
GHow it's Fmaking Dmsense
GThat we put Cup Gsuch defense
When Call you need to Emknow
No Gmatter Fwhat you Dmdo
CI'm just as scared as Gyou
DmTell me Amam I Gmistaken
DmCause I don't have
Amanother heart for Gbreakin'
Please don't let me Fgo
I just wanna Cstay
Can't you feel my Emheartbeats
Giving me Amaway
GI just want to Fknow
If you too feel Cafraid
I can feel your Emheartbeats
Giving you Faway
GGiving us Caway
Em Dm F G
Please don't let me Fgo
I just wanna Cstay
Can't you feel my Emheartbeats
Giving me Amaway
GI just want to Fknow
If you too feel Cafraid
I can feel your Emheartbeats
Giving you Faway
GGiving us Caway
Em Dm F G