Hell Or High Water - Passenger chords
Was it the trick of the light? Em
Or a shot in the dark? G
Was it hell or high Dwater that broke our hearts? C
Was it something I said? Em
Or just a cruel twist of fate? G
Was it hell or high Dwater and is it too late? C
Oh, Cis it too late?
Em G D C
EmMan, all my life I've been
GSearching for someone, to
Dshow me how it feels to be Cloved
CAnd how to love somebody back
EmAnd after stumbling through the Gyears
I thought I found you, just to
Dsee you fading out into the Cnight
Was it the trick of the light? Em
Or a shot in the dark? G
Was it hell or high Dwater that broke our hearts? C
Was it something you Emsaid?
Or just a cruel twist of fate? G
Was it hell or high Dwater and is it too late? C
Oh, Cis it too late?
EmSee, all my life I've been
GSilently reaching for
A Dhand to hold, to warm the cold. CSpark a light,
To Cguide me through, alright?
EmAnd after stumbling through the Gyears
I thought I found you, just to
Dsee you fading out into the Cnight
Was it the trick of the light? Em
Or a shot in the dark? G
Was it hell or high Dwater that broke our hearts? C
Was it something we did? Em
Or just a cruel twist of fate? G
Was it hell or high Dwater and is it too late? C
Em G Hey, hey
D C Hey, hey
Em G Hey, hey
D C Hey, hey
Was it a knife in my back? Em
Or a fork in the road? G
Was it hell or high Dwater that left us alone? C
Is it really game over? Em
Is it really checkmate? G
Was it hell or high Dwater and is it too late? C
Oh, Cis it too late?
Em G D C Em G D C
Was it the trick of the light? Em
Or a shot in the dark? G
Was it hell or high Dwater that broke our hearts? C
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