Hello Hello - Lady Gaga Elton John chords
Lady Gaga
Elton John
Capo 2
GFeel a feeling Clight headed out to see the Gsights
Ain't Bmlife a many splendored Emthing? D
CDuckin' up and Gout all those Dcrazy sights and Gsounds
Bounce aCround like puppets Gon a Dstring
GNever gonna Cfind Anything to change my Gmind
BmFamous last lines of a Emfool D
CJust when do you Gthink You're a Dchain with just one Glink
Something Cmcomes to tip you off your Dstool
Hello, helGlo My, my, Bmmy, what have we E7here?
AmWhat a surCprise What a surDprise
Hello, helGlo I'm not aBmlone, it's good to E7know
Someone's Cmout there to say heDllo HelGlo
GDo a dizzy Cdance twirl around and take a Gchance
Nothing's Bmeasy, nothing comes for Emfree D
CSniffing all the Gflowers Running Dthrough an autumn Gshower
Compare Cmit to someone else like Dme
Hello, helGlo My, my, Bmmy, what have we E7here?
AmWhat a surCprise What a surDprise
Hello, helGlo I'm not aBmlone, it's good to E7know
Someone's Cmout there to say heDllo HelGlo
And I can Cfly on the back of a Gbird
And I can Amshake all leaves from a Gtree
If there's a Cquest of a knight, I'll just Gfollow right
Do Amthis better than the one I used to Dbe
Hello, helGlo My, my, Bmmy, what have we E7here?
AmWhat a surCprise What a surDprise
Hello, helGlo I'm not aBmlone, it's good to E7know
Someone's Cmout there to say heDllo HelGlo
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