High For This - The Weeknd chords
The Weeknd
Tone: [Bm]
Bm You don't know Em F#mwhat's in store
Bm But you Emknow what you're Ahere for
Bm Close your Emeyes (and) F#mlay yourself be-
Bm-side me Em A(Oh-oh)
Bm Hold tight Em F#mfor this ride
Bm We don't Emneed no Aprotection
Bm Come Emalo-o-o-one, F#mwe don't need at-
Bm-tention Em A [(silence)]Open your
Bmhand, take a Gglass A Don't be
Bmscared, I'm right Ghere A Even -
Bmthough you don't Groll A Trust me
Bmgirl you Gwanna be Ahigh for -
- Bmthis. Take if Emoff, you F#mwant it off
Bm 'cause I Emknow what you're Afeeling
Bm It's Emoka-a-a-ay F#mgirl, I feel it -
Bmtoo Em A
Bm Let it beat Em F#mbaby breathe
Bm I Emswear I'm Aright here
Bm We'll be Emgo-o-o-ood; I F#mpromise we'll be
Bmso good. EmEhhh-ehh.... [(A)] Open your -
Bmhand, take a Gglass A Don't be
Bmscared, I'm right Ghere A Even -
Bmthough you don't Groll A Trust me
Bmgirl you Gwanna be Ahigh for -
Bmthis G A
BGthrAough Outro, with "You wanna be high for this")
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