Home Newcastle - Various chords

Key: G Singer/Band: Various
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Am1fr2fr3fr4frxo231o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0G1fr2fr3fr4fr32ooo4
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0D1fr2fr3fr4frxoo132
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0C1fr2fr3fr4frx32o1o

Tone [G]
Ah Amhad te come te GLondon,
Coz ah Amcouldn't find ay Gjob,
But ah Amdon't intend te stay lGong,
If ah Ammake ay few quick Dbob
It's Amcold up there it GSummer,
It's like Amsitting inside ay Gfridge,
But ah Amwish ah was on the GQuayside,
AmLooking at the owld Tyne DBridge'
Ahm coming Ghome NewAmcastle,
Ah Cmight as well ay been in Djail,
Ahd Cwalk the streets al Gday al neet,
For ay Ambottle ay ye own Brown DAle,
Ahm coming Ghome NewAmcastle,
If ye Cnever win the Cup aDgain,
Ahl Cbrave the dark at St. GJames's Park,
At the AmGallowgate End in the Drain, Ahm coming Ghome...
And ahm Amproud te be ay GGeordie,
And te Amlive in Geordie Gland,
Some Ampeople think wiG bowdy,
And wi Amhard te undersDtand,
And they Amsay it's just self Gpitty,
And wi Amnot so very Gtough,
Coz the Ampeople in the big fat GCity,
Haven't Amhad it half as Drough,
Ahm coming Ghome NewAmcastle,
Ah Cmight as well ay been in Djail,
Ahd Cwalk the streets al Gday al neet,
For ay Ambottle ay ye own Brown DAle,
Ahm coming Ghome NewAmcastle,
If ye Cnever win the Cup aDgain,
Ahl Cbrave the dark at St. GJames's Park,
At the AmGallowgate End in the Drain, Ahm coming Ghome...
And ah Ammiss the auld blind Gbusker,
Who Amstands at Fenwicks Gdoor,
He Amplays ay mean Gaccordion,
Ye've arl Amseen him there beDfore
And ah Amlove the Geordie Gheroes,
There's so Ammany famous Gnames,
Like AmLindisfarne and GGazza,
Brendan AmFoster and the Gateshead Dgames
Ahm coming Ghome NewAmcastle,
Ah Cmight as well ay been in Djail,
Ahd Cwalk the streets al Gday al neet,
For ay Ambottle ay ye own Brown DAle,
Ahm coming Ghome NewAmcastle,
If ye Cnever win the Cup aDgain,
Ahl Cbrave the dark at St. GJames's Park,
At the AmGallowgate End in the Drain Ahm coming Ghome..
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