Hope Is A Dangerous Thing For A Woman Like Me To Have - But I Have It - Lana Del Rey chords
Lana Del Rey
Tone [Em]
Verse 1
I was Amreading Slim Aarons and GI got to thinking that DI thought
AmMaybe I'd get less stressed Gif I was tested less Dlike all of these
AmSmiling for miles in pink Gdresses and high heels on Dwhite yachts
But AmI'm not, Gbaby, DI'm not
No, AmI'm not, Gthat, DI'm not
Chorus 1
I've Cbeen tearing around in my Dfucking nightgown
Twenty-Emfour seven Sylvia CPlath
CWriting in blood on my Dwalls
'Cause the ink in my Empen don't work in my noteCpad
Don't Cask if I'm happy, you Dknow that I'm not
But at Gbest, I can D/F#say I'm not Csad
'Cause Chope is a dangerous Gthing for a woman like D/F#me to have
CHope is a dangerous Gthing for a woman like D/F#me to have
Am G D
Am G D
Verse 2
I had Am15-year dances, church Gbasement romances, yeah, DI've cried
AmSpilling my guts with the GBowery Bums is the Donly love I've ever
AmExcept for the stage, which I Galso call home, when DI'm not
AmServin' up God in a Gburnt coffee pot for the Dtriad
AmHello, it's the most famous Gwoman you know on the DiPad
AmCalling from beyond the Ggrave, I just wanna say, D"Hi, Dad"
Chorus 2
I've been Ctearing up town in my Dfucking white gown
Like a Emgoddamn near socioCpath
CShaking my ass is the Donly thing that's
Got this Emblack narcissist off my Cback
She Ccouldn't care less, and I Dnever cared more
So there's Gno more to D/F#say about C that
Except Chope is a dangerous Gthing for a woman like D/F#me to have
CHope is a dangerous Gthing for a woman with D/F#my past
Verse 3
There's a Amnew revolution, a Gloud evolution that DI saw
AmBorn of confusion and Gquiet collusion of Dwhich mostly I've known
A Ammodern day woman with a Gweak constitution, 'cause DI've got
AmMonsters still under my Gbed that I could never Dfight off
A Amgatekeeper carelessly Gdropping the keys on my Dnights off
Chorus 3
I've been Ctearing around in my Dfucking nightgown
Twenty- Emfour seven Sylvia C Plath
CWriting in blood on your Dwalls
'Cause the ink in my Empen don't look good in my Cpad
They Cwrite that I'm happy, they Dknow that I'm not
But at Gbest, you can D/F#see I'm not Csad
But Chope is a dangerous Gthing for a woman like D/F#me to have
CHope is a dangerous Gthing for a woman like D/F#me to have
CHope is a dangerous Gthing for a woman like D/F#me to have
But CI have Git, yeah, D/F#I have it
Yeah, CI have Git, D/F#I have C
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