Hot - Avril Lavigne chords
Avril Lavigne
Capo 1
GAh, DAmah ah
CYou're so good to Gme Dbaby, Ambaby C
GI wanna Emlock you up in
my Bmcloset when Cno one's around
GI wanna Emput your hand in my
Bmpocket Cbecause you're allowed
GI wanna Emdrive you into the Bmc
orner and Ckiss you without a sound
GI wanna Emstay this way Bmforever I'll Csay it loud
AmNow you're in, Cand you can't get out
You make me so Dhot
Make me wanna Amdrop
It's so Cridiculous
I can barely Gstop
I can hardly Dbreathe
You make me wanna Amscream
You're so Cfabulous
You're so good to Gme Dbaby, Ambaby
CYou're so good to Gme baDby, bAmaby C
GI can maEmke you feel all betBmter, just takCe it in
GAnd I Emcan show you all the Bmplaces Cyou've never been
GAnd I caEmn make you say everBm
ything that yCou've never said
GAnd I wiEmll let you do anythBming again andC again
AmNow you're in, Cand you can't get out
Chorus (x3)
GKiss me Dgently
AmAlways I Cknow
GHold me, Dlove me
AmDon't Cever go
GOohD ooAmoooo[C,]h, GoooDoh Amyeah yCeah
CYou're so good
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