How far I'll go - Alessia Cara chords
Alessia Cara
(Capo 2) Intro: [D] [G] Hợp âm bài này thì hợp với Uku hơn =))))) Hợp âm: [Ab] [Abm] [G] [Gm] [A] [Bm] [Bb] [Cm] [D] [Em] [Eb] [Ebmaj7]
DI've been staring at the edge of the Emwater
'Long as I can Bmremember, never really Gknowing why
DI wish I could be the perfect Emdaughter
But I come back to the Bmwater, no matter how hard I Gtry
Every Bmturn I take, every trail I track
Every Apath I make, every road leads back
To the Dplace I know, where I can not go
Where I Gmlong to be
See the Dline where the sky meets the sea? It Acalls me
And no one Bmknows, how far it Ggoes
If the Dwind in my sail on the sea stays Abehind me
One day I'll Bmknow, if I Gmgo there's just no telling how far I'll go
Interlude: D A Bm G
DI know, everybody on this Emisland seems so happy on Bmthis island
Everything is by Gdesign
DI know, everybody on this Emisland has a role on this Bmisland
So maybe I can roll Gwith mine
I can Bmlead with pride, I can make us strong
I'll be Asatisfied if I play along
But the Dvoice inside sings a different song
What is Gmwrong with me?
See the Dlight as it shines on the sea? It's Ablinding
But no one Bmknows, how deep it Ggoes
And it Dseems like it's calling out to me, so come Afind me
And let me Bmknow, what's Gbeyond that line, will I cross that line?
See the Ebline where the sky meets the sea? It Bbcalls me
And no one Cmknows, how far it Abgoes
If the Ebwind in my sail on the sea stays Bbbehind me
One day I'll Cmknow, how far I'll Abmgo
Outro: Eb Ebmaj7
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