Hypothetica - Fran vasilić chords

Key: C Singer/Band: Fran vasilić
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0C1fr2fr3fr4frx32o1o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Em1fr2fr3fr4fro23ooo
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0F1fr2fr3fr4fr134211
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0G1fr2fr3fr4fr32ooo4

(Verse 1)
And if I Cchanged my hair
And the wEmay that I talk
And if I Fgot new friends
And I cGut my mustache off
And I Cknew what to
say when the Emconversation died
And I gave Fbetter compliments
than, "You Glook really nice"
And if I Chad more fans
And if I Emmade more cash
And I belFieved you when you'd say I look Gnice
And if I Cchanged everything,
yeah, my Emwhole fuckin' life
Would you Fplease love me then?
Would you Fplease love me then?
Would you Fplease love me?
Please love me
Please love me, please love me
CPlease Em
LoFve meG
(Verse 2)
And if I Cgot to see a therapEmist on time
Maybe FI could write a message Gon first try
But I wCaste a whole
day choosing, "EmHey" or "Hi"
Or, "HoFw you've been?"
Or, "Is your dGay alright?"
And if CI could stop with hypothEmeticals
Then this woFuldn't be a hypoGthetical
But it iCs Em
And I can'Ft G
I'm tEmired of being mFe
It's Gjust too exhaustiCng
I'm Emsuch a crybabFy G
And tragicalCly
There Emare no real problFems
Now GI have to createC them
So tEmhere is a puFrposeG to my worrying
C Em F G
(Verse 3)
I sCpent some time in the prEmomised land
And I sFpent my love on
those who Gdidn't love me back
And you wCaited here but Emnot for me
You were wFaiting just 'cause you Gfelt like it
And now I'm Cso confused, what is hEmappening?
Are you stFaying here?
Or are yGou leaving?
Say sComethin' Em
Say that you lFove me G
I'm tEmired of being Fme
It's jGust too exhausCting
I'm sEmuch a crybabFy G
And tragicallCy
There aEmre no real probFlems
Now GI have to creatCe them
So tEmhere is a purpFosGe to my worrying
C Em F G
It's F8 o'clock and I jCust pressed send
Now my tFext became some mCeaningless
BinFary codes, just some C1's and 0's
Until yFou gave it a meanGing again
I'm tEmired of being Fme
It's jGust too exhausCting
I'm sEmuch a crybabFy G
And tragicallCy
There aEmre no real probFlems
Now GI have to creatCe them
So tEmhere is a purpFose to Gmy worryinCg
(A pEmurpose Fto my wGorrying)
To my worryiCng
(A pEmurpose Fto my wGorrying)
To my worryiCng
Yeah (a puEmrpose tFo my woGrrying)
To my worryiCng
(A pEmurpose Fto my wGorrying)
To my worryiCng
b Transpose down # Transpose up
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