I Bet You Look Good On The Dancefloor - Arctic Monkeys chords

Key: F# Singer/Band: Arctic Monkeys
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0F#1fr2fr3fr4fr134211
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0C#1fr2fr3fr4frx44121
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0B1fr2fr3fr4frx13331
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0A1fr2fr3fr4frxo213o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0C1fr2fr3fr4frx32o1o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0E1fr2fr3fr4fro231oo

Tone: [F#]
C#5 B5 A5 F#5 [(] [x] [4] [)]
C#5Stop B5making the A5eyes at F#5me, I'C#5ll stop makB5ing the
eyeA5s at youF#5
C#5And whaB5t it is thA5at suprF#5ises mC#5e, is that B5I don't
reaA5lly want youF#5 to
C#5And youB5r shoulderA5s are fF#5rozen (cold as the night)
C#5Oh but B5you're an A5F#5explosion (you're dynamite)
C#5Your naB5me isn't RA5io, butF#5 I donC#5't care forB5 sand A5
C#5B5Lighting the A5fuse might F#5resultC#5 in a bang,B5 with a
banA5g-go! F#5
F#5I bet that you look good on the A5dancefloor
I don't know if your looking for E5romance or...
I don't know what ya F#5looking for
F#5Well I bet that you look good on the A5dancefloor
Dancing to E5electro-pop like a robot from C#51984 ... from 1984!
C#5I wish B5you'd stopA5 ignoriF#5ng me,C#5 because yoB5u're
sendinA5g me to F#5despair
C#5WithoutB5 a sound yA5eah youF#5're caC#5lling me, aB5nd I don't
A5think itF#5's very fair
C#5That B5your A5shoulders are F#5frozen (cold as the night)
C#5Oh but B5you're an A5F#5explosion (you're dynamite)
C#5Your naB5me isn't RA5io, butF#5 I donC#5't care forB5 sand A5
C#5B5Lighting the A5fuse might F#5resultC#5 in a bang,B5 with a
banA5g-go! F#5
F#5I bet that you look good on the A5dancefloor
I don't know if your looking for E5romance or...
I don't know what F#5you're looking for
F#5Well I bet that you look good on the A5dancefloor
Dancing to E5electro-pop like a robot from C#51984 ... from 1984!
A5Oh there ain't no love E5no, Montagues or F#5Capulets
Just banging tunes 'n' DJ sets 'n' A5
Dirty E5dancefloors and dreams of F#5naughtiness!
F#5I bet that you look good on the A5dancefloor
I don't know if your looking for E5romance or...
I don't know what F#5you're looking for
F#5Well I bet that you look good on the A5dancefloor
Dancing to E5electro-pop like a robot from C#51984 ... from 1984!
b Transpose down # Transpose up
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