I'll Die Trying - Lonestar chords
Capo 2
CYou've been living Gway too long, FIn broken- Gpromise Cland.
CYour dreams crushed an G' scattered, FLike a million Ggrains Cof
CI'd love to be your re Gdemption, But CI Gam Amjust Ga Fman,
FI may never be a Ghero. But I'm a Frock you can Clean Gon.
CIf I don't Glove you like Fyou deserve; C G
CIf I dont Gstop every tear Fyou're cryin G';
CIf I dont Gmake your life, A AmHeaven on this Fearth,
CI'll Gdie Amtryin'. FI'll Gdie Ctryin'.
CI'll listen to your Gsecret prayer, An' Fshare your Gdeepest Cwish;
CSearch for a Ghundred years, Just to Ffind the Gperfect Ckiss.
COf everything withiGn my power, There's CnoGthin' Ami Gwont
To be that Fpart of you an' your Glife, Oh, that Amtakes what's Fwrong
an' Gmakes it right.
CIf I don't Glove you like Fyou deserve; C G
CIf I dont Gstop every tear Fyou're cryin G';
CIf I dont Gmake your life, A AmHeaven on this Fearth,
CI'll Gdie Amtryin'. FI'll Gdie Ctryin'.
FI may never be a Ghero, But I'm a Frock you can Clean Gon.
CIf I don't Glove you like Fyou deserve; C G
CIf I dont Gstop every tear Fyou're cryin G';
CIf I dont Gmake your life, A AmHeaven on this Fearth,
CI'll Gdie Amtryin'. FI'll Gdie Ctryin'.
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