I'm Coming Home - Diddy-Dirty Money chords

Key: D Singer/Band: Diddy-Dirty Money
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0G1fr2fr3fr4fr32ooo4
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0D1fr2fr3fr4frxoo132
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Bm1fr2fr3fr4frx13421
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0A1fr2fr3fr4frxo213o

Tone [D]
I'm coming Ghome
I'm coming Dhome
Tell the Bmworld I'm coming Ahome
Let the Grain wash aDway all the Bmpain of yesterAday
I know my Gkingdom aDwaits and they've Bmforgiven my misAtakes
I'm coming Ghome, I'm coming Dhome
Tell the Bmworld that I'm coAming,
GI'm back where I belong,
DYeah I never Bmfelt so strong
(I'm back baby)
AI feel like there's nothing Gthat I can't Dtry
And if you Bmwith me put your hands Ahigh
(put your hands high)
GIf you ever lost a light Dbefore,
This ones for Bmyou
And you, the dreams are for Ayou
I hear "The Tears of a GClown", I hate that song
I always feel Dlike they talking to me when Bmit comes on
Another day another ADawn
Another Keisha, nice to Gmeet ya, get the math I'm Dgone
What am I 'Bmposed to do when the club lights come Aon
Its easy to be GPuff, but its harder to be DSean
What if Bmthe twins ask me why I ain't marry their Amom (why, damn!)
How do I Grespond?
What if my son Dstares with a face like my Bmown
And says he wants to Abe like me when he's Ggrown
Shit! DBut I ain't finished Bmgrowing
Another night the Ainevitable prolongs
GAnother day another dawn
DJust tell BmKeisha and Taneisha I'll be Aback in the morn'
GAnother lie that I Dcarry on
I Bmneed to get back to Athe place I belongG
I'm coming Ghome
I'm coming Dhome
Tell the Bmworld I'm coming Ahome
Let the Grain wash aDway all the Bmpain of yesterAday
I know my Gkingdom aDwaits and they've Bmforgiven my misAtakes
I'm coming Ghome, I'm coming Dhome
Tell the Bmworld that I'm coAming, home
G"A House is Not A DHome", I hate this song
BmIs a house really a home when your Aloved ones are gone (no)
GAnd niggas got the nerve to Dblame you for it
BmAnd you know you woulda took the Abullet if you saw it
GBut you felt it and Dstill feel it
BmAnd money can't make Aup for it or conceal it
GBut you deal with it and Dyou keep ballin'
Pour out Bmsome liquor, play ball Aand we keep ballin'
GBaby we've been living in Dsin 'cause we've been really in Bmlove
But we've been living as Afriends
So you've Gbeen a guest in your own Dhome
It's time to make your Bmhouse your own
Trang 2 / 2
Pick up your Aphone, come Gon
I'm coming Ghome
I'm coming Dhome
Tell the Bmworld I'm coming Ahome
Let the Grain wash aDway all the Bmpain of yesterAday
I know my Gkingdom aDwaits and they've Bmforgiven my misAtakes
I'm coming Ghome, I'm coming Dhome
Tell the Bmworld that I'm coAming, home
G"Ain't No Stopping Us DNow", I love that song
BmWhenever it comes on it Amakes me feel strong
GI thought I told y'all that Dwe won't stop
'Til we Bmback cruising through Harlem, Athese old blocks
Is what Gmade me, saved me, Ddrove me crazy
BmDrove me away than Aembraced me
Forgave me Gfor all of my shortcomings
DWelcome to my homecoming
BmYeah it's been a Along time coming
Lot of Gfights, lot of scars, lot of Dbottles
Lot of cars, lot of Bmups, lot of downs
Made it Aback, lost my dog (I miss you big)
GAnd here I stand, a better Dman! (a better man)
BmThank you Lord (Thank you Lord)
AThank you all!G
I'm coming Ghome
I'm coming Dhome
Tell the Bmworld I'm coming Ahome
Let the Grain wash aDway all the Bmpain of yesterAday
I know my Gkingdom aDwaits and they've Bmforgiven my misAtakes
I'm coming Ghome, I'm coming Dhome
Tell the Bmworld that I'm coAming, home
b Transpose down # Transpose up
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Other chord songs by Diddy-Dirty Money