I'm Stuck - Noah Cyrus chords

Key: G Singer/Band: Noah Cyrus
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0G1fr2fr3fr4fr32ooo4
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0F#1fr2fr3fr4fr134211
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Bm1fr2fr3fr4frx13421
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0D1fr2fr3fr4frxoo132
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0A1fr2fr3fr4frxo213o

Intro [G] [F#] [Bm]Uh huh [G] [F#] [Bm]Uh huh
Verse 1
I've been a Gwild dog in F#this here part of Bmtown
No Ggun-slinging, no F#fool can bring me Bmdown
Now I've Gfinally met my F#
match and he's the Bmbaddest boy around
And I'll Gsay it F#loud and Bmproud
I'm DAstuck, I'm Bmstuck
That Dboy, he Amessed me Bmup
I'm a Dfighter, I'm a A
champion, but I'm Bmhanging Aup the Ggloves
'Cause I'm GAstuck, I'm Dstuck
'Cause your Glove has tamed the Adevil out of Dme
Stole my Gheart and pulled the Arug under my Dfeet
I was a Gcareless ACasanova, but
you Bmmade my Aheart go Gweak
And I'm GAstuck, I'm Dstuck
GOooh Aoh, Dno no
GOooh Aoh, Dno no
GOooh Aoh, Bmno AnoG no
I'm GAstuck, I'm Dstuck
Verse 2
I never Gliked that kind of F#guy who picked up Bmthe bill
The kind of Gguy who ate F#dessert before he had Bma meal
When you cGome around in your sF#
kinny jeans, I dBmon't know how to feel
But Gnow I F#know the Bmdrill
I'm DAstuck, I'm Bmstuck
That Dboy, he Amessed me Bmup
I'm a Dfighter, I'm a A
champion, but I'm Bmhanging Aup the Ggloves
'Cause I'm GAstuck, I'm Dstuck
'Cause your Glove has tamed the Adevil out of Dme
Stole my Gheart and pulled the Arug under my Dfeet
I was a Gcareless ACasanova, but
you Bmmade my Aheart go Gweak
And I'm GAstuck, I'm Dstuck
GOooh Aoh, Dno no
GOooh Aoh, Dno no
GOooh Aoh, Bmno AnoG no
I'm GAstuck, I'm Dstuck
What he Gwants, he Aknows just what he Dwants
What he Gwants, he Aknows just what he Dwants
I'm the Gbaddest Asuperwoman to the Bmcandy Aon Ghis arm
And I'm GAstuck, I'm Dstuck
Final Chorus
GOooh Aoh, Dno no
GOooh Aoh, Dno no
GOooh Aoh, Bmno AnoG no
I'm GAstuck, I'm Dstuck
'Cause your Glove has tamed the Adevil out of Dme
Stole my Gheart and pulled the Arug under my Dfeet
I was a Gcareless ACasanova, but
you Bmmade my Aheart go Gweak
And I'm GAstuck, I'm Dstuck
b Transpose down # Transpose up
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