Beautiful In White - Westlife chords
(Intro) C G Am Em F C G
Cnot sure if you Gknow this
Ambut when we Emfirst met
FI got so Cnervous
FI couldn't Gspeak..
Cin that very Gmoment
AmI found the Emone and
Fmy life had Cfound it's
Fmissing Gpiece..
so as Clong as I live I Glove you
Amwill heaven Emhold you
Fyou look so Cbeautiful Gin white
and from Cnow to my very Glast breath
Amthis day I'll Emcherish
Fyou look so Cbeautiful Gin white
Cwhat we have is Gtimeless
Ammy love is Emendless
Fand with this Cscream I
Fsay to the Gworld..
Cyou're my every Greason
Amyou're all that I Embelieve in
Fwith all my Cheart I
Fmean every Gword..
so as Clong as I live I Glove you
Amwill heaven Emhold you
Fyou look so Cbeautiful Gin white
and from Cnow to my very Glast breath
Amthis day I'll Emcherish
FYou look so Cbeautiful Gin white
Dtonight.. hooABm hooF#m..
Gyou look so Dbeautiful Ain white
(Intro) D A Bm
F#mnana Gnana..
so Dbeautiful Ain white
and if our Gdaughter's what our future holds
DI hope she has you're eyes
Afinds love like you and I.. Bmdid
yeah, I wish she Gfalls in love
and I will let her go
DI'll walk her down the aisle
Ashe'll look so BBbeautifEul in white..C#mG#m
Ayou look so Ebeautiful Bin white..
so as Elong as I live I Blove you
C#mwill heaven G#mhold you
Ayou look so Ebeautiful Bin white
and from Enow to my very Blast breath
C#mthis day I'll G#mcherish
Ayou look so Ebeautiful Bin white
Ayou look so EEbeautifBul in white.. tonight..
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