Heal The World - Michael Jackson chords
Michael Jackson
[Verse 1]
There's a ABm7place in your heart
And I C#mknow that Bm7it is love
AAnd this place could be much
Bm7Bm7BrigC#mhter than tomorrow
And if Ayou Bm7really try
C#mYou'll find Bm7there's no need to cry
AIn this place you'll feel
Bm7Bm7TheC#mre's no hurt or sorrow
There are ways Dto C#mget there
If you Dcare C#menough for the living
Make a Bm7little space Make a better place
Heal the Aworld
Bm7Make it a better place
For Dyou and for me
And the Aentire human Erace
There are F#mpeople C#mdying
If you Dcare enough for the C#mliving
Make a Bm7better place for Dyou and for Ame
[Intro] Bm7 C#m Bm7
[Verse 2]
If you Awant Bm7to know why
There's a C#mlove Bm7that cannot lie
ALove is Bm7Bm7stC#mrong it only cares for joyful giving
If we Atry we Bm7shall see
C#mIn this bliss Bm7we cannot feel
AFear or Bm7dread we stop existing
And C#mstart Bm7living
Then it Dfeels C#mthat always
DLove's C#menough for us growing
So Bm7make a better world Make a better world
Heal the Aworld
Bm7Make it a better place
For Dyou and for me
And the Aentire human Erace
There are F#mpeople C#mdying
If you Dcare enough for the C#mliving
Make a Bm7better place for Dyou and for Ame
And the Gdream we were conceived in
Will reveal a Ajoyful face
And the Gworld we once believed in
Will shine Aagain in grace
Then F#mwhy do we keep C#mstrangling life
Wound this Dearth crucify this C#msoul
Though it's Bm7plain to see This world is heavenly
DBe God's glow
[Verse 3]
We could Afly so Bm7high
Let our C#mspirits never Bm7die
In my Aheart I feel Bm7Bm7you are alC#ml my brothers
Create a Aworld with no Bm7fear
Together we C#mcry happy Bm7tears
See the Anations turn their Bm7swords
Into C#mplowsharesBm7
There are ways Dto C#mget there
If you Dcare C#menough for the living
Make a Bm7little space Make a better place
Heal the Aworld
Bm7Make it a better place
For Dyou and for me
And the Aentire human Erace
There are F#mpeople C#mdying
If you Dcare enough for the C#mliving
Make a Bm7better place for Dyou and for Ame
[Chorus] [Overtone]
Heal the Bworld
Make it a C#m7better place
For Eyou and for me
And the Bentire human F#race
There are G#mpeople D#mdying
If you Ecare enough for the D#mliving
Make a C#m7better place for Eyou and for Bme
[Chorus] [Overtone]
Heal the C#world
Make it a D#m7better place
For F#you and for me
And the C#entire human G#race
There are A#mpeople Fmdying
If you F#care enough for the Fmliving
Make a D#m7better place for F#you and for C#me
There are A#mpeople Fmdying
If you F#care enough for the Fmliving
Make a D#m7better place for F#you and for C#me
There are A#mpeople Fmdying
If you F#care enough for the Fmliving
Make a D#m7better place for F#you and for C#me
F#You and for C#me
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