I've Had Enough With Love feat. Sandhy Sondoro - Baim chords
yeah CbabyAmDmG
C Am Dm G
CI've been Amtrying to Dmforget youG
and it's not Cso Ameasy baby oh DmnoG
CYou've been Amloving me so Dmlong..G
and it hurts me Cso bad (so Ambad) so DmGbad..
Fcan't believe my own eyes
when I Esaw you with another man
you were Amhuggin.. kissin
Gfeels like so madly in love so bad
Fyee yeah.. and I Gstrucked me so damn hard..
to be in Clove I've had Amenough
seems so Dmhard that i can't Gbelieve it
to be Calone and not in Amlove
it seems like the Dmbest
thing that I can Gdo..
and EmEyes.. it's true
that Amlove will Gfind a way
with the Dmbetter one..
GI've had enough with Clove..
(Intro) C Am Dm G
C Am Dm G
Cand Amnow that I have Dmforget youG
it makes my life Cso easy AmDmbaby..G
let start a Cnew day.. Ama new life
Dmsomeday I will Gfind another one
to be in Clove I've had Amenough
seems so Dmhard that i can't Gbelieve it
to be Calone and not in Amlove
it seems like the Dmbest
thing that I can Gdo..
and EmEyes.. it's true
that Amlove will Gfind a way
with the Dmbetter one..
GI've had enough with Clove..
(Int.) C Am Dm G
C Am Dm G
C Am Dm G
C Am Dm G
Fcan't believe my own eyes
when I Esaw you with another man
you were Amhuggin.. kissin
Gfeels like so madly in love so bad
Fyee yeah.. and I Gstrucked me so damn hard..
to be in Clove I've had Amenough
seems so Dmhard that i can't Gbelieve it
to be Calone and not in Amlove
it seems like the Dmbest
thing that I can Gdo..
and EmEyes.. it's true
that Amlove will Gfind a way
with the Dmbetter one..
GI've had enough with Clove..
AmDmI've Ghad enough with love..C
AmI've had enough with DmGlove..
I've had enough with love.. Coh baby
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