If Tomorrow Never Comes - Ronan Keating chords
Ronan Keating
Capo di fret 3
Sometimes late Amat night
DI lie awake and watch her CGGsleeping
She's Dlost in peaceful Amdreams
So I turn Dout the lights
and CClay there in tGhe Gdark..
And the thought crosses Ammy mind
DIf I never wake up in the CGGmorning
DWould she ever Amdoubt
the Dway I feel CCAbout her in Gmy Gheart..
If tomorrow never Ccomes
Will she know how much I GGloved herAm
Did I try in every Dway
to Amshow her every Dday
That Cshe's my only Gone..
And if my Amtime on earth were Cthrough
And she must face this Dworld Emwithout me
Is the love I gave her in the Cpast
Gonna be enough to Dlast
If tomorrow never GGcomesDC
'Cause I've lost love ones in Ammy life
DWho never knew how much I Cloved GGthem
Now I Dlive with the Amregret
That my true Dfeelings for them
CCnever weGre Grevealed
So I made a promise to Ammyself
DTo say each day how much she Cmeans to GGme
And Davoid that Amcircumstance
where there's no second Dchance
to CCtell her howG I Gfeel
If tomorrow never Ccomes
Will she know how much I GGloved herAm
Did I try in every Dway
to Amshow her every Dday
That Cshe's my only Gone..
And if my Amtime on earth were Cthrough
And she must face this Dworld Emwithout me
Is the love I gave her in the Cpast
Gonna be enough to Dlast
If tomorrow never GGcomesDC
So tell that someone that you Amlove
Just what you're thinking Dof
If tomorrow never CCcomesDG
| Chord Originalnya |
Sometimes late Cmat night
FI lie awake and watch her D#A#A#sleeping
She's Flost in peaceful Cmdreams
So I turn Fout the lights
and D#D#lay there in A#the A#dark..
And the thought crosses Cmmy mind
FIf I never wake up in the D#A#A#morning
FWould she ever Cmdoubt
the Fway I feel D#D#About her inA# my A#heart..
If tomorrow never D#comes
Will she know how much I A#A#loved herCm
Did I try in every Fway
to Cmshow her every Fday
That D#she's my only A#one..
And if my Cmtime on earth were D#through
And she must face this Fworld Gmwithout me
Is the love I gave her in the D#past
Gonna be enough to Flast
If tomorrow never A#A#comesFD#
'Cause I've lost love ones in Cmmy life
FWho never knew how much I D#loved A#A#them
Now I Flive with the Cmregret
That my true Ffeelings for them
D#D#never wA#ere A#revealed
So I made a promise to Cmmyself
FTo say each day how much she D#means to A#A#me
And Favoid that Cmcircumstance
where there's no second Fchance
to D#D#tell her hoA#w I A#feel
If tomorrow never D#comes
Will she know how much I A#A#loved herCm
Did I try in every Fway
to Cmshow her every Fday
That D#she's my only A#one..
And if my Cmtime on earth were D#through
And she must face this Fworld Gmwithout me
Is the love I gave her in the D#past
Gonna be enough to Flast
If tomorrow never A#A#comesFD#
So tell that someone that you Cmlove
Just what you're thinking Fof
If tomorrow never D#D#comesFA#
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