Independence Day - Martina McBride chords
Martina McBride
Capo di fret 2
(Intro) G C G C
Well she Gseemed all right
by Cdawn's early light
Though she Glooked
a little worried and Cweak
She Gtried to pretend
he wasn't Cdrinking Gagain
But DDaddy left the proof on her cheekC
GI was only
eight years Cold that summer
And I Galways
seemed to be in the Cway
So I Emtook myself down
to the Cfair in Gtown
DOn Independence GGDayCC
Well, Gword gets around
in a Csmall, small town
They Gsaid he was a dangerous Cman
But GMama was proud
and she Cstood her Gground
She Dknew she was on the losing endC
GSome folks whispered,
Csome folks talked
But Geverybody looked the other Cway
And when Emtime ran out,
there was Cno one Gabout
DOn Independence GDay..
Let freedom Dring..
let the white Emdove sing..
Let the Cwhole world know
that Gtoday.. is a day of Dreckoning
Let the weak be Emstrong..
let the right be Cwrong
Roll that stone Gaway,
let the guilty Dpay
It's Independence GGDayCC
Well, she Glit up the sky
that CFourth of July
By the Gtime that the firemen Ccome
They just Gput out the flames
and they Ctook down some Gnames
And Dsent me to the county homeC
Now GI ain't saying
it's Cright or it's wrong
But Gmaybe it's the only Cway
EmTalk about your CGrevolution
DIt's Independence GDay
Let freedom Dring..
let the white Emdove sing..
Let the Cwhole world know
that Gtoday.. is a day of Dreckoning
Let the weak be Emstrong..
let the right be Cwrong
Roll that stone Gaway,
let the guilty Dpay
It's Independence GDay
Croll that stone Gaway
CCIt's IndependenGce GDay
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