Jagoanku - Souljah chords

Penyanyi/Band: Souljah
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0G1fr2fr3fr4fr32ooo4
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0D1fr2fr3fr4frxoo132
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0C1fr2fr3fr4frx32o1o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0B1fr2fr3fr4frx13331
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0A1fr2fr3fr4frxo213o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Em1fr2fr3fr4fro23ooo
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Bm1fr2fr3fr4frx13421
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Am1fr2fr3fr4frxo231o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0F#m1fr2fr3fr4fr134111
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0G#1fr2fr3fr4fr43111x
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0C#1fr2fr3fr4frx44121
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Fm1fr2fr3fr4fr134111
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Cm1fr2fr3fr4frx42o1x
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Gm1fr2fr3fr4fr21oo34

Capo di fret 1
(Intro) G D C B A G
G D Em C
Gdiam-diam ku menanti semua dengan Dtenang
Gkesenangan kan datang dalam setiap Dkesabaran
GGterDus Dpercaya..
Gada rahasia di balik semua Dkejadian
tak Gada sesuatu pun yang benar Dkebetulan
GGterDus percaya..
Cberulang GGdihajar takkDan aku gemetar
Cberulang Gditinju ku kan Dterus melaju
karna Gjagoanku takkan Dmeninggalkanku
Embawaku lewati Csakitku
Gsenangku.. Dtenangku..
Cdamaiku.. kaulah jagoanku
(Intro) G D
Gada rahasia di balik semua Dkejadian
tak Gada sesuatu pun yang benar Dkebetulan
GGterDus percaya..
Cberulang GGdihajar takkDan aku gemetar
Cberulang Gditinju ku kan Dterus melaju..
karna Gjagoanku takkan Dmeninggalkanku
Embawaku lewati Csakitku
Gsenangku.. Dtenangku..
Cdamaiku.. kaulah jagoanku
karna Gjagoanku takkan Dmeninggalkanku
Embawaku lewati Csakitku
Gsenangku.. Dtenangku..
Cdamaiku.. kaulah jagoanku
Gsince the very long time
you are Ddemon guarding me
Emfrom the place that very far
you Cthere are watching me
i Ghave a few words
that i Dreally wanted to say
trying Csing it to de world
and they Chear us and they could
Gno more reason for you
to Dignore what demon say
Emno more forget
have a chat with Cdemon everyday
we Gjust a stupid human being
never Dbelieve what we're seeing
until Ca miracle come
now you Cknow what i am feeling
Geverybody wish
you Dreceived it with a prayer
Emthere is no word
now Ci can really say ya
Gyour me guide
if i Dreally lost direction
Csometimes me forgot
and Chaving no attention
Gall me life
that have Dchange if you say so
Emyou are me light
Cwherever i go i will go
Gno more worries
cause you Ddemon are watching me
Cso lucky to have your kindness eternity
karna Gjagoanku takkan Dmeninggalkanku
Embawaku lewati Csakitku
Gsenangku.. Dtenangku..
Cdamaiku.. kaulah jagoanku
karna Gjagoanku takkan Dmeninggalkanku
Embawaku lewati Csakitku
Gsenangku.. Dtenangku..
Cdamaiku.. kaulah jagoanku
(Outro) G D Em C
G D Em C
G D C Bm Am F#m G
(Intro) G# D# C# C A# G#
G# D# Fm C#
G# D# C#
G# D#
G# D#
G#diam-diam ku menanti semua dengan D#tenang
G#kesenangan kan datang dalam setiap D#kesabaran
G#G#teD#rus D#percaya..
G#ada rahasia di balik semua D#kejadian
tak G#ada sesuatu pun yang benar D#kebetulan
G#G#teD#rus percaya..
C#berulang G#G#dihajar takD#kan aku gemetar
C#berulang G#ditinju ku kan D#terus melaju
karna G#jagoanku takkan D#meninggalkanku
Fmbawaku lewati C#sakitku
G#senangku.. D#tenangku..
C#damaiku.. kaulah jagoanku
(Intro) G# D#
G# D#
G#ada rahasia di balik semua D#kejadian
tak G#ada sesuatu pun yang benar D#kebetulan
G#G#teD#rus percaya..
C#berulang G#G#dihajar takD#kan aku gemetar
C#berulang G#ditinju ku kan D#terus melaju..
karna G#jagoanku takkan D#meninggalkanku
Fmbawaku lewati C#sakitku
G#senangku.. D#tenangku..
C#damaiku.. kaulah jagoanku
karna G#jagoanku takkan D#meninggalkanku
Fmbawaku lewati C#sakitku
G#senangku.. D#tenangku..
C#damaiku.. kaulah jagoanku
G#since the very long time
you are D#demon guarding me
Fmfrom the place that very far
you C#there are watching me
i G#have a few words
that i D#really wanted to say
trying C#sing it to de world
and they C#hear us and they could
G#no more reason for you
to D#ignore what demon say
Fmno more forget
have a chat with C#demon everyday
we G#just a stupid human being
never D#believe what we're seeing
until C#a miracle come
now you C#know what i am feeling
G#everybody wish
you D#received it with a prayer
Fmthere is no word
now C#i can really say ya
G#your me guide
if i D#really lost direction
C#sometimes me forgot
and C#having no attention
G#all me life
that have D#change if you say so
Fmyou are me light
C#wherever i go i will go
G#no more worries
cause you D#demon are watching me
C#so lucky to have your kindness eternity
karna G#jagoanku takkan D#meninggalkanku
Fmbawaku lewati C#sakitku
G#senangku.. D#tenangku..
C#damaiku.. kaulah jagoanku
karna G#jagoanku takkan D#meninggalkanku
Fmbawaku lewati C#sakitku
G#senangku.. D#tenangku..
C#damaiku.. kaulah jagoanku
(Outro) G# D# Fm C#
G# D# C#
G# D# Fm C#
G# D# C# Cm A#m Gm G#
b Transpos ke bawah # Transpose ke atas
  Gulir otomatis ke atas   Gulir otomatis ke bawah
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