M.I.A. (Missing In Action) - Avenged Sevenfold chords

Penyanyi/Band: Avenged Sevenfold
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Am1fr2fr3fr4frxo231o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0F1fr2fr3fr4fr134211
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0G1fr2fr3fr4fr32ooo4
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0C1fr2fr3fr4frx32o1o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0E1fr2fr3fr4fro231oo
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Em1fr2fr3fr4fro23ooo
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0D1fr2fr3fr4frxoo132
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0G#m1fr2fr3fr4frx21144
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Bm1fr2fr3fr4frx13421
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0G#1fr2fr3fr4fr43111x
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Dm1fr2fr3fr4frxoo231
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0A1fr2fr3fr4frxo213o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0C#m1fr2fr3fr4frxx213o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0C#1fr2fr3fr4frx44121

Capo di fret 5
[Intro] Am F G C E
Am F G C E
AmStaring at the carnage,
Fpraying that the sun would never Grise
Living Canother Eday in Amdisguise
These Ffeelings can't be Gright,
lend me your Ccourage to Estand up and Amfight
Fon GtonightCE
Amhu.. Fu.. Gu..C
EStand up and Amfight
Am F AmFG GC F..
AmAmThe fighting rages on and onF
to challenge me you must be GGstrongC
AmAmI walk your land but don't belong,F
two million soldiers can't be GGwrongC
GAmIt's no fun but I've been here before
GAmI'm far from home and I'm fighting your war
F(Not the way I Cpictured this,
I Emwanted better Fthings)
GAmSome are scared others killing for fun,
GI Amshot a mother right in front of her son
F(Take this from my Cconsciousness,
and Emplease erase my Fdreams)
AmFight for honor, Ffight for your life
GPray to God that Cour side is right
Even Dthough we won, I Emstill may Flose
GUntil I make it home to you
I Amsee our mothers Ffilled with tears,
grew Gup so fast where Cdid those years go?
DMemories won't Emlet you Fcry,
Gunless I don't return tonight
Am F AmFG GC F..
GSo Ammany soldiers on the other side
GI Amtake their lives so they can't take mine
F(Scared to make it Cout
alive now Emmurder's all I Fknow)
GAmNobody tells me all the reasons we're here
GI Amhave my weapons so there's nothing to fear
F(Another day, Canother life,
but Emnothing real to Fshow for)
AmFight for honor, Ffight for your life
GPray to God that Cour side is right
Even Dthough we won, I Emstill may Flose
GUntil I make it home to you
I Amsee our mothers Ffilled with tears,
grew Gup so fast where Cdid those years go?
DMemories won't Emlet you Fcry,
Gunless I don't return tonight
AmStaring at the carnage,
Fpraying that the sun would never Grise
Living Canother Eday in Amdisguise
These Ffeelings can't be Gright,
lend me your Ccourage to Estand up and Amfight
AmWatching the death toll rise
wondering how I'm Amalive
Stranger's Fblood on my hands,
I've Fshot all I can
AmThere are no silent nights,
watching your brothers all Amdie
To Fdestroy all their plans
with Fno thought of me
AmNo.. Gthought of Cme..
Eno thought of Amme
[Interlude] Am F G E G#m Bm G#m
Am F G E G#m Bm G#m
Am F G E G#m Bm G#m
Am F G E G#m Bm G#m
Am F G E G#m Bm G#m
Am F G E G#m Bm G#m
[Woooooo..] Am F G C D Em F G
Am F G C D Em F G
[Intro] Am F G C E
Am F G C E Am
AmWalk the city lonely
FMemories that haunt are passing Gby
A murderer Cwalks your Gstreets Amtonight
FForgive me for my Gcrimes
Cdon't Gforget that I Fwas so young
AmFought so scared in the G#name of God
and GCountry
[Ending] Am F G C E
Am F G C E
Am F G C E
Am F G C E
[Intro] Dm A# C F A
Dm A# C F A
DmStaring at the carnage,
A#praying that the sun would never Crise
Living Fanother Aday in Dmdisguise
These A#feelings can't be Cright,
lend me your Fcourage to Astand up and Dmfight
A#ACon tonightF
Dmhu.. A#u.. Cu..F
AStand up and Dmfight
Dm DmA# A#C CF A#..
DmDmThe fighting rages on and onA#
to challenge me you must be CCstrongF
DmDmI walk your land but don't belong,A#
two million soldiers can't be CCwrongF
CDmIt's no fun but I've been here before
CDmI'm far from home and I'm fighting your war
A#(Not the way I Fpictured this,
I Amwanted better A#things)
CDmSome are scared others killing for fun,
CI Dmshot a mother right in front of her son
A#(Take this from my Fconsciousness,
and Amplease erase my A#dreams)
DmFight for honor, A#fight for your life
CPray to God that Four side is right
Even Gthough we won, I Amstill may A#lose
CUntil I make it home to you
I Dmsee our mothers A#filled with tears,
grew Cup so fast where Fdid those years go?
GMemories won't Amlet you A#cry,
Cunless I don't return tonight
Dm DmA# A#C CF A#..
CSo Dmmany soldiers on the other side
CI Dmtake their lives so they can't take mine
A#(Scared to make it Fout
alive now Ammurder's all I A#know)
CDmNobody tells me all the reasons we're here
CI Dmhave my weapons so there's nothing to fear
A#(Another day, Fanother life,
but Amnothing real to A#show for)
DmFight for honor, A#fight for your life
CPray to God that Four side is right
Even Gthough we won, I Amstill may A#lose
CUntil I make it home to you
I Dmsee our mothers A#filled with tears,
grew Cup so fast where Fdid those years go?
GMemories won't Amlet you A#cry,
Cunless I don't return tonight
DmStaring at the carnage,
A#praying that the sun would never Crise
Living Fanother Aday in Dmdisguise
These A#feelings can't be Cright,
lend me your Fcourage to Astand up and Dmfight
DmWatching the death toll rise
wondering how I'm Dmalive
Stranger's A#blood on my hands,
I've A#shot all I can
DmThere are no silent nights,
watching your brothers all Dmdie
To A#destroy all their plans
with A#no thought of me
DmNo.. Cthought of Fme..
Ano thought of Dmme
[Interlude] Dm A# C A C#m Em C#m
Dm A# C A C#m Em C#m
Dm A# C A C#m Em C#m
Dm A# C A C#m Em C#m
Dm A# C A C#m Em C#m
Dm A# C A C#m Em C#m
[Woooooo..] Dm A# C F G Am A# C
Dm A# C F G Am A# C
[Intro] Dm A# C F A
Dm A# C F A Dm
DmWalk the city lonely
A#Memories that haunt are passing Cby
A murderer Fwalks your Cstreets Dmtonight
A#Forgive me for my Ccrimes
Fdon't Cforget that I A#was so young
DmFought so scared in the C#name of God
and CCountry
[Ending] Dm A# C F A
Dm A# C F A
Dm A# C F A
Dm A# C F A
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