Memories - Maroon 5 chords

Penyanyi/Band: Maroon 5
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0C1fr2fr3fr4frx32o1o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0G1fr2fr3fr4fr32ooo4
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Am1fr2fr3fr4frxo231o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Em1fr2fr3fr4fro23ooo
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0F1fr2fr3fr4fr134211

(Intro) C G Am Em F C F G
CHere's to the ones Gthat we got
AmCheers to the wish
Emyou were here but you're not
'Cause the Fdrinks bring back
Call the memories
Of Feverything we've Gbeen through
CToast to ones Ghere today
AmToast to the ones
Emthat we lost on the way
'Cause the Fdrinks bring back
Call the memories
And the Fmemories bring
Gback memories, bring back Cyou
There's a Ctime that I Gremember,
when I Amdid not know no Empain
When I Fbelieved in Cforever,
and Feverything would stay the Gsame
Now my Cheart feel like GDecember,
when Amsomebody say your Emname
'Cause I Fcan't reach out to Ccall you,
but I Fknow I will one Gday, ye
CGEverybody hurts sometimes,
Ameverybody hurts Emsomeday, ay ay
FBut Ceverything gon' be alright,
Fgo and raise a glass Gand say, ay
CHere's to the ones Gthat we got
AmCheers to the wish
Emyou were here but you're not
'Cause the Fdrinks bring back
Call the memories
Of Feverything we've Gbeen through
CToast to ones Ghere today
AmToast to the ones
Emthat we lost on the way
'Cause the Fdrinks bring back
Call the memories
And the Fmemories bring
Gback memories, bring back Cyou
Du Gdu dududu du.. Amdududu Emdu.. dududu
Fdududu Cdu.. dududu
FMemories bring Gback memories
bring back Cyou
There's a Ctime that I Gremember,
when I Amnever felt so Emlost
When I Ffelt all of the Chatred,
was too Fpowerful to Gstop (oh yeah)
Now my Cheart feel like an Gember,
and it's Amlighting up the Emdark
I'll Fcarry these torches Cfor ya,
and you Fknow I never Gdrop, yeah
CGEverybody hurts sometimes,
Ameverybody hurts Emsomeday, ay ay
FBut Ceverything gon' be alright,
Fgo and raise a glass Gand say, ay
CHere's to the ones Gthat we got
AmCheers to the wish
Emyou were here but you're not
'Cause the Fdrinks bring back
Call the memories
Of Feverything we've Gbeen through
CToast to ones Ghere today
AmToast to the ones
Emthat we lost on the way
'Cause the Fdrinks bring back
Call the memories
And the Fmemories bring
Gback memories, bring back Cyou
Du Gdu dududu du.. Amdududu Emdu.. dududu
Fdududu Cdu.. dududu
FMemories bring Gback memories
bring back Cyou
Du Gdu dududu du.. Amdududu Emdu.. dududu
Fdududu Cdu.. dududu
FMemories bring Gback memories
bring back Cyou
GYeah yeah Amyeah..Em
Yeah yeah Fyeah.. oh Cno
FMemories bring Gback memories,
bring back Cyou
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